We were Friends

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Sana walked alongside Anduin, looking at the flowers around them and talking. "The flowers are quite pretty, don't you think?" Sana asked, smiling. "They are." Anduin answered. 'But not as pretty as you.' Anduin thought. Sana skipped over to a rose and smelled it. "This smells wonderful." Sana exclaimed happily. Anduin smelled it also and nodded. "It does." Anduin said. Sana took Anduin's hand and led him somewhere. "Why are you taking me here, Sana?" Anduin asked. "Because I have something very important to tell you." The void elf answered. "What do you need to tell me?" Anduin asked. "I-" Sana was interrupted by Ersa calling for her. "Sana! My mother died!" Ersa cried, tears falling from her eyes. "What?" Sana gasped. "Anduin, I need to go. I'll say what I need to say later." She said to the king. Anduin waved to her. The void elf waved back as she ran alongside Ersa.

Sana and Ersa hurriedly entered the void and ran for Ersa's house. Ersa opened the door, and Sana ran in. As they ran in, Ersa purposely left the door open. Sana ran into Ersa's mothers room, but no one was in there. "Ersa, your mother's missing!" Sana yelled. "I know." Ersa said. "W-what? What do you mean?" Sana asked. Ersa slammed the door and crept towards her friend. "Ersa? Ersa, what are you doing!" Sana yelled before getting knocked out.

Sana woke up in a unfamiliar place. Her mind was groggy and she couldn't focus. A void spirit stood before her. As soon as Sana saw the void spirit, her focus immediately came back. "Who are you?! Where am I?!" She yelled. She tried to stand up, but the chains on her hands and feet prevented her from doing so. "I am the void lord. Your little friend here just knocked you out and brought you here." The spirit said, pointing to Ersa. Sana looked at Ersa. "How could you? We were friends!" Sana yelled, sobbing. Ersa looked at her with an almost sympathetic look. The void lord spoke. "Shush, Sana. Ersa betrayed you, and because she did so well, I'm going to give her all of the power I promised her!" The void lord yelled. He held out a hand towards Ersa, and she took it. The void lord channeled his power to Ersa. She yelled and screamed in pain as a purple mist enveloped her body. Horns and wings emerged from her body, she grew taller, and her skin turned pitch black. Her eyes were now red and glowing as bright as ever. Sana gasped as she saw what her 'friend' had become. "No! Not her!" She screamed. The demon before her was not Ersa anymore. "I am not Ersa anymore. From now on, I am Tanoth!" The demon formally known as Ersa yelled. Sana sobbed. "How do you like your new power, Tanoth?" The void lord asked. Tanoth looked at her hands. "Yes. Yes, I do. I'm glad I betrayed Sana." Tanoth said. She turned to Sana, and walked towards her. She dragged one of her claws against Sana's cheek. "Please, d-don't kill me..." Sana's words trailed off. Tanoth stepped back. "We can't kill her yet. We might be able to get all the gold in the world from Sana's love." The void lord said. Sana gasped. Tanoth nodded and laughed wickedly. "No, not Anduin!" Sana yelled. "Aw, Sana loves the boy-king. How cute! It'll be a shame when he finds you dead." Tanoth snarled before laughing. Sana sobbed. "Take her to her temporary quarters. I shall speak to King Wrynn soon." The void lord said. Tanoth nodded and escorted Sana somewhere. The void lord laughed. He rubbed his hands together and got to writing a letter to Anduin.

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