Planned Betrayal

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Sana walked through Elwynn Forest, her staff by her side. It was going to rain, but she didn't mind. Right now, there were little droplets of rain coming down from the sky. It was cloudy, and everyone in Goldshire had gone inside. It was quiet, except for the occasional barks of wolves and the sounds of lambs. It was peaceful. Sana walked toward the empty town of Goldshire, breathing a sigh of relief she wouldn't have to make contact with anyone she didn't know today. She sat atop the fence and took a deep breath. Anduin was all she could think of. The name echoed in her mind over and over again. Sana sighed. She did love him. Ersa was right. She was in love with him. She couldn't let Ersa have the triumph of being right about her. Sana chuckled and laid down on the fence. She let the small drops of rain fall on her face. Even though she had never felt the rain in the void, it was relaxing to her. She tried to focus on the rain and the feeling of it, but all she could think of was Anduin. When did she fall for him? Did she love him since they met? Would she love her back? Multiple questions swam through Sana's mind. But then she focused on one thought. 'I should never tell him.' She thought. Sana had always feared being rejected. But being rejected by the king of the Alliance? That was an unbearable thought. Sana got up and teleported back to the void to talk to Ersa, but not about her realization.

Ersa's shadow loomed over her mother's body. "Does anyone know, Mother?" Ersa asked. "No. Nobody knows." Her mother said, shackles around her wrists. "Good. Can't have anyone knowing about our little secret, huh?" Ersa asked, smiling wickedly at her mother. "N-no." Her mother said. Ersa stepped in front of her mother. "Sana might be suspicious. That little idiot still thinks you're sick! Ha! Little does she know what I have planned for her." Ersa laughed. Ersa's mother hung her head. A knock came to the door. "Coming!" Ersa called, rushing to open the door. Sana was there. "Oh, hi, Sana!" Ersa exclaimed, a smile on her face. "Hey. Is your mother home?" Sana asked. "She is, but she's terribly sick. The priest said she might die." Ersa replied with a fake sadness. "Really?" Sana asked, alarmed. Ersa nodded, wiping a fake tear from her eye. "I should go. I'll bring something for her when I get back." Sana said. "You should. Come back later!" Ersa exclaimed after Sana. Sana had ran off. Ersa closed the door. She sighed. "Go to sleep, Mother. There will be food waiting for you when you wake up." Ersa said, letting her mother free from the chains. Ersa's mother went to a bed and slept. Ersa sighed. 'I hope he follows through on our bargain.' She thought as she sat down. After the thought passed, a void spirit appeared behind her. "Sana doesn't know, does she?" The spirit asked. "No. Come next week, Sana will be dead." Ersa sighed. "Good. Keep up your little evil act, and I'll reward you with all of the power and gold you can have. If you fail to follow through on your end of the bargain, I'll kill you and everyone you love, and I'll go for Sana next." The spirit whispered. Ersa sighed and crossed her arms. "I must go, my little void elf. I'll check on your progress tomorrow." The spirit said before vanishing into thin air. Ersa collapsed to the floor and started singing.

'With a house of gold, and a letter in bold, she was worried because her soul she sold. Wandering through the void, she felt her life was toyed, and her happiness was decoyed. She loved her friend, but her life would end, so all of her time she tried to spend. Now at we're at the end, walk around the river bend, my pain is a thing that you will never mend.'

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