It's Okay To Feel Bad

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Sana could be flirty when she wanted to. At the moment, she wanted to. She stood in front of Genn Greymane. Anduin was sitting on a chair reading a book, while Sana and Genn spoke. Sana smiled. "So, you must be King Greymane." She said. "Correct. You must be Sana." Genn said. "The one and only." Sana smiled. Sana held out her hand, and Genn shook it. "It's an honor to meet you, King Greymane." Sana bowed. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Sana." Genn said, smiling. Sana chuckled. She put her hands on her hips. "So, let's get to know each other better, Greymane." Sana said. Genn nodded. "I'm a warlock, and I'm also a void elf. Some of my friends describe me as short-tempered and some others nice." Sana said, smiling. "I'm a worgen, as you can tell. I guess some of my friends say I'm rude and a few say I'm a good friend." Genn said. Sana chuckled. "Alright, let's skip the chit-chat. There's a void in my heart, have you come to fill it?" Sana asked, smirking. "I beg your pardon?" Genn asked. "Oh, you know. The void isn't the only thing that's insatiable." Sana flirted, crossing her arms and glaring at the wolf king with a playful glare. Genn was silent, a faint blush on his cheeks. Sana chuckled. "You cannot a-VOID my charms, Gryemane." Sana said, giggling. "King Wrynn, I'm going to excuse myself for a bit." Genn said before walking out of the room. "I guess your charms worked on him." Anduin said, looking up from his book and at Sana. "I guess. I was just a bit bored, and decided to flirt a bit." Sana said, crossing her arms. "Greymane doesn't really react to flirts and such. After the loss of his wife, he doesn't really care about love anymore." Anduin said. "He was married?" Sana asked. Anduin nodded. "Oh, no. I didn't know." Sana said under her breath. "It's fine. You didn't know, and it's not your fault." Anduin said. Sana felt sympathy for the wolf king. He lost his wife, his son, his city, everything. "I must go. When Greymane comes back, tell him I'm sorry." The warlock said. "I will. See you later." Anduin bid his farewell. Sana waved and teleported somewhere else.

"Ersa, I feel bad for King Greymane." Sana told her void elf friend. "Why?" Ersa asked. "I was bored, flirted with him, and Anduin told me he lost his wife not too long ago. I feel bad for that." Sana explained. "It's okay to feel bad. You didn't know. To be fair, you don't know much about anybody in Azeroth or any other world." Ersa said, rubbing Sana's shoulder. Sana sighed. "I guess you're right. I told King Wrynn to tell Greymane I was sorry." Sana said, hanging her head. Ersa hugged Sana. "It's okay to feel bad." Ersa said. "Thanks, Ersa. You're a true friend." Sana smiled. "No problem, Sana. You're also a true friend." Ersa said, returning her smile. "I'm going to go explore a bit. Do you want to come with me?" Sana asked. "No, thanks. My mother is very sick. I have to help her." Ersa replied. "Tell her I send her my thoughts and prayers." Sana yelled as she ran off. Ersa smiled and watched as her old friend went off to explore. 'I will.' Ersa thought before she walked off to visit her mother.

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