[ The nightmare begins ]

Start from the beginning

"You want to cry, don't you ?" You heard Zim whisper in this indescribable tone as his voice go a little high at the end, making you think he was rather enjoying this then feeling a little bit of remorse for your current position.

As you slowly began to look at him through heavy eyes, feeling like you were having an heart attack of this weird looking alien standing in front of you with his big ruby eyes.

"..?!" You couldn't find words, but as you tried to lift up your arm to touch him you were held back of the cuffs that were keeping your arms straight up in place. You lifted your head up looking where you were at, it looked like some sort of cursed laboratory.

You couldn't help but still stare at him with slight fear that you couldn't hide, thinking this was all just a fever dream. 'Am i having another sleep paralysis ? But i remember clear i already woken up..' You thought with doubt, flinching as you saw Zim lean closer to your face with use of his PAK legs that confused you.

"Lay down and don't move an inch." It didn't even sounded like his usual demands you heard like yesterday, he was actually warning you big time and it made you go silent and slightly obey his command.

As you kept your mouth shut you saw him suddenly lower himself down to the ground, he was using these weird never seen metal legs that somewhat got your attention and interest.

Zim didn't even tried to make any interaction with you, he simply began typing on this weird interface as suddenly a big screen pops up in bright light. The atmosphere was getting much more intense as you listened to him typing something you didn't care about. You panicked as you only watcher utterly by wondering what his plan was. But you weren't going down without a fight that's for sure.

"Now, I would likely appreciate it if you kept yourself quiet for Zim." The irken stated out of the blue, still tapping his fingers on this floating keyboard.

"Not if, you want to lose your.. tongue of course." You saw him hesitate at his words as he kept eyeing the screen, turning himself back towards you as he observed your body with great interest, making you rather uncomfortable at how his eyes seem to be holding back this emotion.

"Odd, creature.. ..fascinating." You averted eyes with Zim as he spoke those words to himself in admiration yet it was really hard to understand a word he was saying because he was so far away, a sensation of need and longing lurking behind his words.

You bit your lip at this whole fuckery, how can you possibly be at school then end up being in some random alien's secret base for experimenting you conclude. As your death gaze gets more intense you got reminded the times you were actually nice to this guy, such a big mistake.

But then again Dib warned you, so you accepted the fact it was your stupidity that brought you here in the first place.

You felt Zim watch you, causing you to look up at him with no emotion feeling every last kindness to him vanish in thin air. You wanted to get out of here, oh how you wished Dib was here.

You squinted your eyes as you followed his gaze, looking down at yourself.


"W-WHAT THE ?!" Your outburst caused Zim to jump, you began to inhale loudly as you tried to keep yourself calm.

'WHERE ARE MY CLOTHES ? WHAT DID HE DO WHEN I WAS UNCONSCIOUS ? DID HE ALREADY TOUCH ME  ?!' You had an immensely panic attack of this discomforting discovery, Zim seems to be reading you like a book as he stept forward till he was in front of you once again.

"Do not fear, human ! I didn't do anything to you yet internally."

You glared hard at him, knowing it wasn't true.

'What does he mean internally ?'

You suddenly began to cry without saying a word, letting your hot tears slide against your cheeks as you ball your fists in anger and shame. You were so exposed to him it made you try to cross in your legs to hide a bit of your skin which didn't help at all since you were tied down by something.

Zim seems to be taken a back at this, you weren't looking at him but he was lifting his hand up like he wanted to say something but he retracted.

"The tallest.." You heard him mumble to himself as you heard him walking away, hearing his footsteps fade as he was standing in front of the big screen again.

You were too busy hanging your head down feeling like your confidence just got crushed.

'Come on [Y/N], don't give up just yet. You still have Dib. I'm sure he'll notice something is wrong.' You gave your last sprinkle of faith go to Dib, he is the most smartest guy in town, you knew for sure he wouldn't let you down.

You look up at the ceiling above you, inhaling while you felt your body shake. Closing your eyes as you silently mouthed :

'Help me soon, Dib.'

❤ Hopeless L-O-V-E ❤ [Zim x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now