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JW Marriott, Seoul, South Korea

The smell of deli meats, cheese, fruit salads and wine permeate through the air in the catering lounge of the studio. On the far side by the floor-to-ceiling window, Kim Seokjin is leisurely draped across the velvet chaise, plucking grapes from their stems and popping them into his mouth.

It's been a slower day than usual, with half of the photoshoot crew still on a flight back from Paris.

Seokjin hums a little tune, watching as his agent, a distressed Min Yoongi, paces across the carpeted floor of the lounge with his cellphone pressed to his ear.

"What do you mean you won't be arriving at the studio until tomorrow night?" Yoongi hisses. "We're on a tight schedule. They're expecting the full-color spread in two days tops!"

Yoongi stops in his tracks, waiting for a response. After some time, he starts up again, pacing with a vigor. "Just try to get here A.S.A.P. alright?" he sighs. "We can't afford to lose any more precious time." With that last note, he hangs up the phone and haphazardly tosses it onto a nearby cushioned stool.

Seokjin snorts, catching Yoongi's attention. The agent tosses a glare at the relaxing model. "What's so funny?"

"I was just thinking that if you'd paced any more than you did, you would've worn a hole through the floor with your loafers."

"Ha, ha," Yoongi deadpans, unamused. He heads over to sit down next to Seokjin, who scoots over slightly to make room. "Shouldn't you be stressed out? Where's your normal drama?"

"Hey," Seokjin titters. "I'll have you know that it's my motto in life to pick my battles. Right now, there's good food and a nice atmosphere. Why waste it with a minor worry?"

"Your so-called 'motto' changes every week," Yoongi grumpily mutters. "Besides, this isn't exactly a minor worry."

"Alright, calm down, Mr. Sass-quatch."

Yoongi groans. "That wasn't even good."

"You never think any of my puns are good," Seokjin grouses.

"That's because I have standards, hyung. You should consider getting them sometime."

"Harsh, Yoongi." Seokjin clicks his tongue in annoyance. "Well, does that mean I can go back to my hotel room? Get some beauty sleep?"

Yoongi stretches his arms out in front of him, no doubt exhausted from his exchange over the phone. "Yeah, I guess you can. Just stay here for like an hour more, though, so Jungkook can at least get a couple good headshots in for the sunglasses line."

"You're so economical," Seokjin lightly teases. "Maximizing our time and everything."

"That's what you hired me for, hyung," Yoongi says. "Anyway, I meant to tell you this earlier, but—"


They both instinctively turn their heads to the door at the sudden voice, and see Jungkook standing there with his camera equipment luggage by his side. "Jin-hyung, do you mind if I grab some headshots?"

Seokjin is already standing on his feet, brushing his neat chestnut hair away from where it hung in a fringe over his eyes. "Certainly, Jungkookie. You can count on me." He turns to Yoongi. "Come find me later so we can talk about what it was you wanted to tell me, okay?"

Yoongi hesitantly nods. "That's fine."

Seokjin beams. "Great!" Without any more delay, he follows Jungkook out of the lounge and begins making his way to the main studio.

Yoongi waits until they are both completely gone and drops his head into his hands, rubbing at his temples. "Damn," he mumbles. "I have a feeling he's not going to like what I'm booking him for."

Charles de Gaulle Airport, Paris, France


Namjoon breaks his eyes away from the open book in his lap and turns to his younger brother, who is bounding towards him with a box of pastries. "Slow down, Taehyung," Namjoon cautions. "If you drop that, it's out of your own pocket." He pauses for a moment. "Actually, you're probably rolling in dough after that last art exhibition. Shouldn't be a concern to you, I guess...?"

Taehyung laughs and readily proffers a pastry to Namjoon, who accepts it with a nod of gratitude. "Hyung, I'm still working my way up. You're the famous fellow in this family."

"I wouldn't say that."

Taehyung playfully sticks out his tongue. "Liar. Don't be so modest. You landed the runway gig for Park Jimin's new clothing line, didn't you?"

Namjoon scoffs. "Which took close to forever because Kim Seokjin decided to vie for the spot, too."

"Ooh." Taehyung raises an eyebrow in renewed interest. "You're still feuding with Jin?"

"You call him Jin?"

"Isn't that what everybody calls him?" Taehyung shrugs.

"Yeah, people who actually seem to like his spreads," Namjoon bites. "What, do you like him?"

"He's got a nice face!" Taehyung placatingly puts his hands up in an attempt to quell Namjoon's irate onset. "Anybody can attest to that. Not to mention the shoulders, eh? But I like you best, hyung, don't worry!"

Namjoon waves him off. "Whatever. Let's just change the subject." He looks up at the flight schedule screens above them. "How much longer is our flight going to be delayed for?"

"Mm...three, four hours max?"

"What a drag."

"At least we've got pastries," says Taehyung, grabbing a raspberry-filled one from the box and tearing into it. "So good."

"Hey, Namjoon, Tae! Room for one more?"

Jung Hoseok, Namjoon's manager, spots them from afar and comes over to join them in the seating area. "Joon, I have to discuss something with you," Hoseok says. "Remember that charity fashion show you were a part of?"

"Yeah, Park Threads. What about it?"

"They're doing a collaboration with a charity for educational funding. I got an offer, and they want you to be one of the two models they're choosing for the campaign."

Namjoon nods. "That sounds fine. Who's the other model?"

"Ah," Hoseok says. "Um, I haven't heard back from them about who the other model will be, but we'll see."

"Uh-huh." Namjoon stands. "Just go ahead and book me for it. I'm heading to the bathroom. Be right back."

After he's gone, Hoseok flips around towards Taehyung in a panic. "Oh, he's going to hate me. I have to tell him eventually—"

"Tell him what—"

"—that the other model is Kim Seokjin!" He gasps and immediately claps a hand over his mouth. "Crap, I've said too much."

Taehyung's mouth drops open.

"Oh, shit."

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