At six- forty-five she had stopped at a cafe to get something to eat

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 At six- forty-five she had stopped at a cafe to get something to eat. While waiting to pay she checked her phone and realized she had not told Jin she was going home. She did not want to wake him up early so decided once she goes home and settles in she would text or call him. When her car drove into the driveway her mum came out of the front door with a cheerful warm smile. Soon as she got out she hugged her mum, And her mother's hug was the warmest hug she had in a while. They carried her luggage and the cat inside and as she expected mum had made some breakfast for her. They sat and started catching up about random stuff. Neither of them brought up Geo's name. Mum knew when the time was right Shana would open up. She walked into her old bedroom. She hadn't slept in her room for five years that was when she moved to the city. The last time she came home was for mum's birthday and Geo had come with her. She crawled onto her bed and rested her head on the pillow. Her warm cozy home and her bedroom certainly felt good. Her eyes felt heavy and before she knew it she was dozing off. A smile spread on her lips. she was dreaming. In her dream, she saw how Geo and she made out in her room on mum's birthday.  How he secretly pulled her into the room while friends and family were in the dining room talking and eating. It felt erotic and she wanted him more than ever. For some reason that someone might find him fucking her had thrilled her. But before they could go that far they heard mum searching for them to cut the birthday cake and they had to stop. Shana felt hot and sweaty though the room was cool. She sucked her lower lip and continued to dream. She felt his hands on her breast. How he had pulled her into him and kissed her neck.

 How he had pulled her into him and kissed her neck

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 How he rubbed himself on her. She turned around to kiss him, She grabbed him by the collar and kissed him hard. She woke up hot, wet and sweaty. She was breathing heavily. she shook her head and hugged her pillow tight. Her body ached for that touch again. And then without her even knowing why or how Jin's face came to her mind. His broad shoulders. His smile and most of all his warm sexy eyes. She was surprised herself that she thought of him. " what the hell!" she said out loud. " I am losing it" she said covering her face with the pillow. She then realized she had not told him she had come home yet and maybe that's why he came to mind. She took her phone and opened WhatsApp. She looked his name up and typed a message to him informing him she needed some time away from the city and she had come home to spend time with mum. She dropped the phone on to the carpet below and went back to sleep. 

" This is delicious mum!" she said smiling at her mum who had prepared some of her favorites for lunch. She was really feeling better being at home. she did not feel suffocated. Mum had not asked her yet what had happened so she guessed mum was waiting for her to open up. She wanted to get it over with so she brought up the reason she was back home. Mum listened. She let her daughter talk and say everything she had to. She watched her cry and then get angry with what Geo said at the park. When Shana had finished explaining all that happened mum walked to where Shana was and gave her a back hug. A warm, comforting healing hug. " Your heart will lead the way baby, Don't worry. It will hurt for a while and then you would be ok. I promise" mum said assuring her. Shana closed her eyes thinking her mum's hugs had magic. She nodded and held on to her mum's hands. They finished lunch, Cleared up and then continued to talk about stuff. Mum had dozed off so Shana decided to take a walk. She wanted to see the lake she always used to go when she was younger. She wrote a note for mum and left it on the counter. She took a slow walk, remembering her younger days. She smiled as she passed some of the places she had good times. She waved as she passed the corner store. Mrs. Kai recognized her and waved back.  At last, the lake was in view. Her heart felt warm and tears glistened in her eyes. " why did I take soo long to come back home?" she asked herself. She walked on the rocky pebbles smiling and then stopped just near the water.  She inhaled the fresh air. Lifting her hands towards the sun and then as if she was taking in all the warmth the sun was showering on her she hugged herself. She felt silly and laughed. Looking around there were a few others there. A couple holding hands, a mum and two children and then singles just walking around. She found an empty bench and sat down watching the water slowly flow. Her phone alerted a WhatsApp message. Taking her phone out she saw it was a message from Jin. She opened his message and it was a link to a song on youtube. She clicked it and it was by BTS- Mikrokosmos. She closed her eyes and listened to it. The music gave her a sense of peacefulness. The words made her smile and then made her think what was he saying through this song. She listened to it again and then decided he was just trying to say he was there for her through her bad time. she replied to him saying "Thank you, See you when I get back." Her only issue now was, she was not sure if she wanted to go back. 

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