Chap 23

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Quincy poV
  After the coronation party of Xavier,I couldn't return to my palace because it is late and I didn't wanna go with Queen,because I didn't wanna be a cockblocker, so I just went with Draven home.
    I entered the room,stripped outta my clothes and wore Draven shirt and boxers, they were big ofcourse because the shirt kept falling off my shoulder and I had to use the boxer strings to keep it from falling.

  Draven is allergic to shrimps and vegetables, so he couldn't eat anything at the party so I decided to cook for my husband.husband? Yes husband.
  We got married and now Draven rules the Seria . And trust me he rules it pretty well.
  I don't know if Queen told you,but I am two months pregnant so is she, and I have this gut feeling *whispers* our children are gonna be lovers,don't tell her.
  I entered the kitchen and cooked sandwich and chocolate flavor, I know you guys would be like,sandwich!! Well yea, sandwich,I am tired so guys and I just made an home made chocolate.

   Draven just wolfed down a whole bowl of sandwich!!
He grinned mischievously and washed the plates in the sink.

  After washing, he came up to
Me and whispered" you wear my shirt, pack your sexy curls in a bun when you know I like it down , and you show your legs, those sexy legs meant for wrapping around my waist, you cook for me and keep twirling your curls around. I fucking love you woman.
  He carried me like I weighed nothing and wrapped my legs around his waist. He carried me up the stairs to our room.

Third person poV
He was rough and gentle, he was aware of her fragility he threw her on the bed and crawled ontop of her. She was so damp down there.

He took care of her wetness and she took care of his hardness with her tight womanhood.

I love you Draven,I fucking love you so much

I love you my Quincy.

My Queen.

Yay!! How was the ending, I think it was totally cute. I didn't write smut because I wanted to leave a cute , sweet relationship in your memory.

Soon I would be updating the first chapter of "My choice"

Wait for it!


Love y'all

I am really gobsmacked!!

I just finished my SECOND STORY!!!
Like for real...


My QueenМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя