Chap 21

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Quincy poV
-' eww Draven you cooked for me?
"Yes baby I did, I used the internet "
"Ok let me taste it"
  I put the pasta in my mouth and


Trust me ,it isn't like those cliché foods.
It was overdone ,it was too spicy, everything possible was wrong with it,but for some strange reason,it was nice,my tastebuds rejected it,my heart accepted it.
  I am totally and utterly,absolutely in love with this man.
" what got you thinking babe?how was the food? It was good right?i know, am awesome!"
One more thing i forgot to add,Draven is always sure of himself,never nervous especially around me,only when Xavier was in coma. His food tasted like shit and he knows that but he would never accept he would always say" Am not gonna be Prince Charming because there are lots of them outside,instead am gonna be King Draven,cus that's exclusively me"
"Your food was great, very nice indeed" I replied.
  He carried me and twirled me around laughing so hard that his eyes were squinted and his cheekbones were high up.
   He looked into my eyes intently and I licked my lips on reflex, his dark eyes travelled to my lips and

He pushed me in the wall gently and claimed my lips fully making me gasp, giving him opportunity to slip his tongue in. His hand travelled down my body and he grabbed my ass gently making me moan when he squeezed it.

   He carried me, making me wrap my legs around him ,he carried me up to his room and placed me on the bed.
Unlike any other time,he is being gentle and loving,not passionate and lustful .
I love him rough ,but sometimes it feels good to know that you are loved by your lover through actions not words.
Hearing "I love you "is nice but feeling it is better.

  Before I knew it I was naked before him and him me. I no longer feel shy, my body is his as much as his is mine, am all his.
"I want you so bad" he whispered and before I could reply,he plunged deep into me making me widen my eyes and gasping, my insides still not used to his rare size, he makes me feel so full.
"You are so tight baby,and wet just for me"  he said slightly possessive.  If anything his vocalness made me feel wetter .

He made me feel loved over and over again. Clearing any doubt .

Not much,I know but I still updated

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