Chap 8

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Queen pic above
Queen pic
  Damn!! Right now I am in my room and I have been calling Quincy since but her phone is switched off.
Well you guys are probably wondering how I got to the castle
I woke up with arms around me, when the sleepiness cleared from my eyes, Xavier clear eyes came to view, I racked my brain for explanation and finally it came up with one .
I lost my virginity!!!
Damn!! I lost it to Xavier!!Do I regret it? Damn no , am I sad? Yep.
The elders just mess with my brain making sure to destroy any happy moment of mine.
   He came closer and pecked my nose making me blush and remembering where his hands had been the night before , the way he made me feel loved.
I realize that whatever trance we are in needs to stop, we can't be together , we are so different, he deserves better than the elders daily criticism.
   I just wore my clothes , ignored him, and went home. He probably feels hurt but it's for the best.
   We wouldn't meet again
Or so she thought.
I can't find Quincy and I asked her chauffeur and apparently, she dismissed him last night, leaving with "some guy".
   Pls Quincy don't do anything stupid, pls.


    She barged into the room, looking horrible and smelling ....
"Pls don't shout, I don't know what came over me I just threw caution to the wind and lost my virginity, shit!! What of I get pregnant??"
"You had sex too?"
"Yea and strangely enough I don't regret it and if anything I secretly wish it would happen again.....wait did you just say"too", you had sex??"
" it's no more a secret if you just told me". I said changing the topic. But stupid Quincy she just had to catch on and could not take the hint that I was uncomfortable with the news.
    "I don't regret it too"
"I mean if I did I wouldn't have had a round two this morning "
"You are such a sex addict" i said laughing.
"Says you, who got the limp"
"Shut up".
  Just then my maid came in and told me the elders wanna have a meeting in two hours and I need to get dressed, Quincy dismissed herself and I went to bathe and get on with today's activities.

  The elders were seated in the council room and I have been fine dressing for roughly 20 minutes now but I keep breathing in and out ,adjusting my makeup, re arranging my hair and passing time by. At last Alia came into the room and calmed me down, it did a bit but I was still nervous, I kept racking my brain for what the matter could be but no stupid brain was just in voicemail.
     I knocked the heavy mahogany door and I was answered with a squeaky tiny voice of Ambrose(one of the elders), she hated me so much and trust me the feeling is mutual.
   I opened the door and I was met with judging,glaring eyes. I almost lost my composure and then succeeding in making me uncomfortable but a surge of confidence burst through me I walked , gracefully to the Throne, showing them that it is for me rightfully.
    The discussion was headed by Alistair, (the head of elders), he was a very intimidating man with that small slanted eyes and thin lips with short hair by the sides and bald in the middle.
He kept talking about a lot of nonsense and I zoned out just like usual until I heard

-' a king.
Ambrose repeated with that annoying high voice, "you need a king as soon as possible, in fact sooner than you think,in just a month, the annual meeting for all royals in the supreme kingdom would take place in a month and for the past 4 years you have been appearing spouse less , they have noticed and lord Zachary the elder of elders have threatened to overthrow you if you don't get a king soon, so we have suggestions for you, if you fail to find your choice soon I felt the malice and venom in her words we would have to force you or overthrow you, you have to choose one and do it fast".
  It hit me hard and I just blinked, got up and stumbled out, feeling suffocated by all the judging stares and uncomfortable aura.
   I walked to my room sluggishly and when I got to my bed, I just sat on it and started crying why I did I don't know but I just felt like letting out steam I called my only comforter and friend Quincy.

I am such a disappointment to my parents, I felt their sadness and pain for being such a failure
Little did she know.

Hey guys, how was it, ?
I hate those damn

Love y'all
Xoxo pams

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