Chap 3

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Queen pic above
Queen poV
I sat in my room, on my bed , thinking of the guy I met earlier. He looked so in need of help. Maybe I could make him a guard , guards get paid pretty well. But there was a part of me that wanted him near me. I decided to take a shower while thinking about his fitted body and handsome face. Just then a knock on my door brought me out of my thoughts. I always lock my door because of the elders.


Because they may just barge in and meet me in my pyjamas and ugly bun. I have to keep the impression that even in their absence I am graceful and always with make up, dress and heels.
I answered who was at the door and it turned out to be Quincy.
She didn't tell me she was coming!! I opened the door wider and asked her to come in.
She just entered so un- gracefully and jumped on my bed tossing her designer bag on my dress table.
She asked me why I am in exactly like this"yo , why are you inside not on a shopping spree"
I answered."I am tired today Quincy".
She answered." Something is bothering you, is it the elders?"
I answered." Nope , instead it is a citizen "
I flushed, thinking of his body.
She said." I see that you are flushed, thanks to your dark skin, I bet you are as red as a tomato"
I said." It's a He . And I am feeling strange things about him. I feel something in my lower region when I see him."
She didn't answer instead she just disappeared into my closet and minutes later she came out with a short sundress, flowery sandals and a bond.
I didn't know I had that.
I said" Quincy, the elders would frown at that outfit u know that"
She replied"fuck the elders , we are loosening up today, Queens should have holidays , if they won't create one , we would".

    Some hours later
I knocked on his door because this time his door was not ajar, he mumbled an answer and minutes later he opened the door, but Quincy being Quincy just pushed through and walked in.
I apologized for her stupid behavior, and he just nodded and asked me to come inside, only to find Quincy blushing, her light skin making it very noticeable, and the guy had a smug look on him and he was blushing at the same time, he was so cute.
   He was black and had cute dreads and nice gruff gracing his jaw.
   He whispered something to him and all I heard was Mr dreads introduce himself as Draven.
  Then Draven said." Okay man , see you" he took Quincy along and she didn't protest and curse at him like the Quincy I know instead she was a blushing mess and she just followed him out making me wonder if he compelled her like those vampires do. Stupid!! Vampires aren't real .

They left leaving just the guy and I.
I asked his name and he said his name was Xavier hot name!! .
   And he got me water, and just sat down. We talked about random but non- personal things and he asked me about the kingdom weight and I just trusted him instantly and told him everything even about those infuriating elders I told him things that only Quincy knows. He comforted me and soon he was so close that I practically felt his breath on my lips and he was looking at my lips so intently."fuck it"

   Xavier poV
She was perfect, I don't deserve her and  I know that but I am just to selfish to let her go. I know I would have to at some point though. The first time I saw her I was thrown back by her beauty. I said something stupid and the way she reprimanded me was so hot and dominant.
    One thing led to another and before I knew it we were inches apart, I was battling with my mind and I just decided "fuck it "
   I kissed her hard and she was so responsive making me groan. She tastes so fucking sweet. I slid my hands down her arms and gripped her ass hard making her moan. I left her lips and went to jet neck sucking her collarbone sliding my hands from her huge butt to her naked thighs, she moaned so loudly. Fuck!! She is so responsive!!
  I kept sliding my hands up and down her thighs while sucking on her very visible huge breast cleavage. She whimpered so loudly making me moan just then I was snapped out of my trance.

   I cut the kiss so abruptly and moved away from her, she looked so surprised and pleased as she adjusted her clothing, her hair sticking out and her lips so swollen that I feel like ravishing them again.
     I just gulped, my member begging to have her completely but I knew she can never be mine
Or so he thought .
She just mumbled sorry and left my hut quickly probably embarrassed, I mean sure I wasn't bad looking but I was a poor guy she couldn't like me that way right??? She can't keep thinking about me the way I think about her and her body, the way I jerk off in the bathroom during shower at the thoughts of her.
  Little did he know

Yay!! They kissed!! How was it?? Did you think it was too soon??

  I love you guys!!
Next chap coming soon
Love y'all pams

My QueenOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora