New story!!

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  Authors poV
Hey guys!! I want to remind you guys, that this is the second story in the "MY" series. My teacher was the first and My Queen is the second , I plan on making the third one My Choice.
Sneak peek from My Choice
  Dylan poV
She is white, I am black. In my community she is forbidden. She is a bitch and not worthy , in her community I am a monkey , an ordinary black man.
I love her , I want her, she loves me but her parents would never let her date a common black peasant like me.

       She isn't super curvy like girls of my race, she isn't ghetto like my life and community, she is more on the Elite side, doesn't curse, doesn't yell like what I am used to hearing from girls my race.

   Eleanor poV
He is the definition of Tall, Dark And Handsome.
  He is muscular not the steroids type. The first guy that didn't refer to me as "the rich white girl"
   My parents and friends are racist, my community hates his type.
But I am in love with him, his manly ways, his plump big juicy lips, his high cheekbones, his small eyes , his jawline sharp enough to cut paper, his tight abs , his chest, his smooth brown skin.

so guys!! What do you think?? Should I write it?!!! Your opinion matters.
Love ya

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