Chapter XXVII: My Turn

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  As John walks up to the team, his assault rifle hanging from a strap around his left shoulder, he pulls his hands out of his pockets and says "End of the road, Gerald".
  "We'll see about that" Gerald replies as he holds a button on his mini-gun, causing the barrels to spin really fast in preparation to fire.
  "Even if you kill me now" John says, "you're not making it out of here alive".
  "And what makes you think that?" Ziya asks.
  John smiles, then says "Just a hunch" as the large doors begins to close. The team began to move, but as soon as they took a single step, the guards loaded their guns and aimed at them. Suddenly freezing, the team stood still, waiting and plotting their course of action.
  "What's Plan A?" Chris asks.
  "Kill them all" Ziya growls.
  "Okay... and Plan B?" Chris asks.
  "Take out the guards first" Gerald says, "and fight John later"."
  "I don't like that plan..." Ziya says.
  "It'll have to do" Drake says. "Plan B it is".
  "Tch" Ziya scoffs as Gerald begins to fire into the crowd of guards. Rapidly, all of the guards get torn apart and fall. John gets hit by some of the bullets and is immediately killed. However, as nearly half of the guards fall, Gerald's mini-gun runs out of ammo.
  "Shit" Gerald says as he drops the gun. The mini-gun hits the ground with a loud, metallic thud and Gerald pulls out his assault rifle he took from on of the guards. "Open fire!".
  The team began firing into the squad of guards, as the guards fired back. As the team began to fall, one by one, Judy and Drake took cover. Suddenly, as the guards dropped one by one, and the team kept reviving over and over, John's body gets back up. John leans up from the ground as his bullet wounds all healed. He takes out a large handgun and hits Ziya in the stomach with it. As she was paralyzed by the pain, John stood up and ran to her. As he got close, he tried to tackle her with a combat knife in his hands. Ziya barely managed to block him with a combat knife of her own, holding John still with her hand pressed firmly into his shoulder, and her feet planted firmly in the ground. "You're time is up, Ziya" John says with a smile.
  "Heads up!" Gerald shouts as he kicks John in the side of his head. Gerald hits the wall, nearly falling over from the force of the kick. Gerald runs up to John and holds him against the wall by his throat. "Go, now!" Gerald shouts at the team. "I'll hold off John! You need to move! There has to be some way to open that damn door!".
  "What about-" Ziya begins to ask.
  "John is my vendetta!" Gerald says as he stares John in his eyes, the light in his eyes slowly fading. "I'll take care of this end, you need to move up and make sure no more guards keep coming!".
  The team charges forward, shooting as they run at more guards coming their way. The guards quickly ran out from every direction in the hallway, trying to trap the team. However, they had more than enough ammo to spare from all of the guards they've killed so far. "Find a control room or something" Chris says. "Anything, as long as it looks like it'll help us open that door!".
  "Right!" Drake replies. The team searches every room they pass, one after another. Eventually, after passing through many different hallways and offices, the team comes across a small metal door. It was like the usual office doors, but it was a thin, hollow, metal door that read "SECURITY" on the top. Chris tries to open the door, but it was locked. After trying to open it the usual way, Chris decides to kick down the door. It took him several attempts, but eventually the door flung open. As soon as it opened, there were two guards inside, sitting in front of a large computer with a ton of monitors to several different security cameras throughout Station Zero. The guards quickly shot down Chris, but Gregory and Tyler quickly shot them down. After eliminating the guards, the team gains access to the security room. They run up to the computer and observe the security cameras. "Look up there!" Drake says as he points at a few monitors. "Looks like the elevators lead down several floors below the station".
  "If my assumption is correct" Chris says, "the elevator is controlled from this room here, much... like... this!". Chris presses a few buttons, and the elevators they saw when they first entered the station began to move down towards Pyramid.
  "If they're controlled from here" Ziya asks, "they why are there buttons for the elevators?".
  "It likely sends a direct request to the security room" Chris says. "It's like a doorbell, of some kind... I think".
  "Check that out" Judy says as she points at a few other monitors. "There's concrete hallways under the station, just outside of Pyramid... but... the end of hallways just leads to a wall with a bunch of... rappel rope?". Judy thinks for a moment, then pushes Chris out of the way. "Move over a sec" she says. Judy taps away in the computer for a while, and on one of the monitors, the concrete walls began to open, showing the ceiling of one of the floors in Pyramid. The rappel rope falls off of the edge of the hallway, and down to the floor of Pyramid. "So these elevators are used for the maintenance shafts in the game..." Judy says.
  "Even if we did get to use the elevators..." Drake says, "we wouldn't have been able to go to the top floor with it?".
  "Seems like it" Judy says. "Come to think of it... we never saw an elevator since coming up from that floor".
  "Think you can open the doors from here?" Ziya asks.
  "Yeah, just leave that to me" Judy says. "That's my specialty. Make sure you keep me covered, in case we get any unwanted guests".

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