Chapter VII: Sunshine

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The day Ziya first entered Pyramid was much like Drake's entry in Pyramid. However, when she ran towards the first flight of stairs, her pathway was blocked off by many other people who were in the midst of a large scale battle between each other. Using this to her advantage, she crept away towards the center of the arena. Fearing for her life, she continued to avoid the others. She spent a day and a half on the first floor alone, when suddenly she was approached by a couple of people. "You don't exactly look like you belong here" Chris says as the two of them approach. "What's someone of your stature doing in a place like Pyramid?".
"Watch it, she could be dangerous" a girl named Mariah says as she holds her arm out in front of Chris. "Remember the deal. You hunt for the food, I hunt for the weapons. Once we get to the higher floors, we split up and forget we ever met. We don't need a third person with us for that".
As the two of them talked, Ziya nervously tried walking backwards, hoping they wouldn't notice. However, she tripped on a small chunk of concrete and fell down. Immediately, Chris and Mariah looked at Ziya as she tried to crawl backwards out of fear. "You kidding me?" Chris asks, "you think that could be dangerous?".
Chris tried to walk up to Ziya and stretch an arm out to help her up. "S-stay back!" Ziya yells.
"Look, girly" Chris says, "I'm not as interested in participating in the killing part of this game. I focus more on survival... and you? You just don't seem like you're worth the effort".
"I doubt she would listen to you" Mariah says. "Look at her watch. She doesn't have any Respawns. She's at zero lives left, and she's definitely already seen how brutal some of the other convicts are".
"Fair" Chris says as he pulls his arm away. "I don't know what she did to get here, but she doesn't seem like the murdering type".
"She doesn't look like much of a criminal at all" Mariah says.
"What makes you say that?" Chris asks.
"Not sure..." Mariah says. "You can just... feel one of your own kind, y'know?". Suddenly, Mariah looks down at Ziya with an emotionless face. "How'd you get in this game? You're wearing the uniform, but you're not a convict, are you?".
Ziya shakes her head no. "Not a convict?" Chris asks. "Should we help her? It doesn't seem right if we just... let the game masters get away with throwing any old person in this game".
"Don't even bother" Mariah says as she turns around. "Just another mouth to feed".
"Then... wouldn't that mean it'd be my job to take care of her?" Chris asks. "I am the one gathering food, after all".
"You want to keep it?" Mariah asks with a scoff. "What is she, a dog?". Chris simply shrugs in response, then Mariah says "Do what you want. It won't be my responsibility, whatever happens to the girl".
"Wanna come with us?" Chris asks as he looks at Ziya. Ziya begins to shake a little, then Chris says "Don't worry, we won't attack you... or, I won't, at the very least".
"I can hear you" Mariah says. "I'm not some monster that just indiscriminately kills people!".
"Correct" Chris says, "you choose your targets".
"For a price!" Mariah adds. "A price, Chris!".
"Unlicensed mercenary work is still a federal crime, Mariah" Chris says.
"You didn't wine when we were making cash" Mariah says. Mariah then looks at Ziya. "Get on your feet, you little brat!" She says, "are you coming or not!?".

After a while of traveling, they pass several floors. Days have passed, though, none of them were aware of the passage of time outside of the game. Ziya hasn't said a single word since the time Chris and Mariah found her. Eventually, this grew to anger Mariah. "Hey, brat!" She says as they walk, "why are you so quiet!?".
"Um..." Ziya says nervously.
"I don't think she'll have anything to say to us" Chris says. "Just leave her be".
"At the very least, you could tell us how you got here" Mariah says.
Ziya remained quiet, unable to find the courage to speak up. "If it's a story you want, Mariah" Chris says, "then maybe we should rest for a bit. I imagine it'll take some time to explain it, and I'm a little worn out".
The three of them find a hiding spot to rest for a little while. Mariah crouches in front of her, then asks "Well?". Ziya was unable to find the right words to say at first, and this only served to make Mariah even more impatient with her. "Dammit, spill it already!" Mariah yells, causing Ziya to flinch.
"Whoa, relax" Chris says. "At least start with your name".
"Z-Ziya... Zimmerman" Ziya says.
"Ziya, huh?" Chris asks. "Start from the beginning. How'd you get here?".
Ziya gulps nervously, then starts off her story with "It all began when my father was murdered". Ziya proceeded to explain the story of how she got here. How she had met the governor, how she lost her first Respawn before even knowing she was a Respawn user, and everything in between.
After she had finished her story, there was a short pause of silence. Eventually, Mariah spoke up, saying "Then it looks like you'll need to learn how to fight".
"Mariah!" Chris says.
"No no, if she's going to stay with us, she'll need to pull her weight" Mariah says. "Look kid, if you want to stick around, I'll show you how to fight. Deal?".
Ziya nervously nods her head. "Mhm" she says.
"Good" Mariah says. "When the time is right, you'll be able to take care of yourself".

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