02: Oops?

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❝ Being nice is so tiring ❞


The sweet aroma filled my nostrils as I entered the cafe.

"Good morning Sally!" I greeted Sally, the owner. Me and my friends always hang out here after school, it's like our ritual.

"Good morning too Tessa! They're right there."

She pointed to the corner where the loudest table sat. I nodded at Sally and made my way to my friends.

"Well, well guess who I saw making googly-eyes at the new guy." Cole smirked.

"Shut the f-ck up." I snarled.

"Cole." Dylan warned his younger brother.
Sometimes I doubt that they're related, they're just so... Different. You have sassy Cole over here then there's the gentleman Dylan.

"What's his name? Is he hot?" Bella squealed.

This is Bella my bubbly, over enthusiastic, social butterfly friend that likes playing Cupid. Like, really likes playing Cupid. I would know. 

He's cute isn't he? you guys would look so good together.

Tessa, this is Jake.  Jake, this is Tessa.

Why are you so uninterested in guys?

Are you into girls?

"Bella, stop squealing!" Camilla scolded.

And this is Camilla, our friend who was done with everyone's sh-t a long time ago. I'm quite surprised she still hasn't ditched us.

"Lauren, will you pass over the ketchup?"

"No Ashton, go get it yourself. I'm busy."

"But it's on the other side of the world!"

Here's Ashton. the oldest among us, but has the mentality of a ten year old. And Lauren his younger sister.

"Don't be dramatic it's right in front of you"
Cole snapped at Ashton, an annoyed look on his face.

Honestly sometimes I wonder how all of us ended up as friends. Each of us belong in different cliques yet we somehow click together. "Earth to Tessa." Lauren said snapping me out of my trance. "Are you gonna' sit?" She asked. I nodded my head and sat down beside her. "Did you find your phone yet?" Dylan questioned. I sighed-- I've been looking for my phone since this morning--"No, I bumped into someone earlier and must've dropped it."

"Oh, that's unfortunate."  He answered back. "Quit the boring sh-t, who's this boy Cole's talking about?" Camilla quizzed.

"You finally like someone!!" Bella cheered while clapping. "Geez! Go and broadcast it to the whole world will ya'." I rolled my eyes.

Okay, that was probably too mean but I could not stand Bella constantly squealing in my ear. I tried being less snappy recently but being surrounded by morons  doesn't help.

If you couldn't tell. I have a short temper.
It's just that being nice is too tiring and being a b-tch is much more easier. "What's he like?" Lauren asked.


"Wait, you said he has red hair right?" Ashton said. I nodded my head "Yeah".

"Is that him?" He pointed at the door and what do you know, it is. But guess who's with him.


And as if on reflex, I ducked. Hitting my head on the table in the process, which caught their attention. Gosh darnnit!

Luke smiled and walked over to our table.
"Hey Tessa!" He greeted. I looked up at him "Hey...."  

Well this is awkward.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2019 ⏰

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