Chapter 1: 'Zalga's Faction' vs 'Slenda's Faction' vs 'Maga Tano Orochi'

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Hey everyone! It's me, Shadow 264 and WELCOME to the second and yet the FIRST Chapter of RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose, the CREEPYPASTA Edition where things are gonna get creepy amd scary! So, to recap once again, I DO NOT OWN RWBY!! RWBY is owned by RoosterTeeth. So, now sit back, enjoy and LET THE GAMES BEGIN!!!!

Inside the portal,


I am now on my way to my destination of my mission until the same voice spoke up again.

??? (In Shadow's mind): Shadow, I forgot to mention, if you want to fit in with them, you must have a creepypasta name. 

My eyes widened when the voice mentioned this.

Me: Oh yeah? And how scary must it be??

??? (In Shadow's mind): Well, you can rename yourself as Shadow Wraith, Wraith the Killer or.... uuuuhhh....

Me: Hmmmmm... (thinking)

I'm thinking for numerous names until something from my past made me pick that name. Cool name but, scary.

Me: Oh!! How about, Maga Maga Tano Orochi.

??? (In Shadow's mind): Maga Maga Tano Orochi, eh?? Hmmmmmm... Okay, we can go with that. But you have to mak---

Me: I have an idea on that topic already. After going berserk back at the Battle for Haven Academy, I kind got the idea how to counter that berserk taking over me and how to improve that form.

??? (In Shadow's mind): And that is???

Me: It's the powers of the Silver-Eyed Warriors and one that is inside of me now named, Summer Rose. That power helped suppresses the beserk mechanism in me. That is how I manage to turn back.

??? (In Shadow's mind): I see. Nice.

Me: Thank you.

??? (In Shadow's mind): Your welcome. However, I must know, why choose that name??

Me: Why? Well, because something tells me that you're giving me something really powerful to boost my form, aren't you???

And with that, the voice in my head became silent as to know that I've read his or her mind. So, it replied.

??? (In Shadow's mind): Well, yes. But, since you are able to control its dark powers before, I suppose i can give them to you.

After hearing it say those words, I felt a huge surge of energy entering my body. It was quite painful, but I was able to endure it. After a while, the pain subsided and the voice spoke to me once again.

??? (In Shadow's mind): The powers you have are omnipotent. One belongs to Zalgo, the other is Slenderman and the third one belongs to two creatures which are in-order from its evolution state. One larvae and the other is the adult stage, which are Maga Orochi and Maga Tano Orochi.

Me: That makes it four.

??? (In Shadow's mind): hhmmmmmm.... yeeeeeahh...

Me: Well, thanks though. Will that be all?

??? (In Shadow's mind): Yes. That will be all, for now. And your welcome.

With that settled and out of the way, I immediately exited from the portal. Once I stepped foot onto the grassy ground and my portal closed, I am surrounded by huge trees, indicating that I'm in the forest.

RWBY: Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose - CREEPYPASTA: The Quest for the PROXY GauntletTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang