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Rules Related to Speaking

A ) Men Speaking to Non-Mahram Women

👨Rule: Men are allowed to speak to non-Mahram women as long as the following two conditions are met:

It is not with the intention of lust.

The speaking does not lead either one of them to commit a sin.

👨Rule: It is Makruh to speak to non-Mahram women, unless it is in the case of a necessity, especially if the one being spoken to is a young woman.

👨Rule: If a man knows that by speaking to a non-Mahram woman, he will fall into sin, then he must not speak to her; whether the woman speaks in such a way that she lures him into sin, or the topic is such that the man falls into sin.

👨Rule: It is haram for a man to speak to a non-Mahram woman with the intention of making her fall into sin.

Therefore: The conversations that are carried out with the intention of making others fall into sin (lustful conversations), such as explaining or describing sexual acts and scenes, are haram.

👨 Question: Is it allowed for a man to talk to a non-Mahram woman who wants to speak to him in a lustful manner? (In the event that the man knows that he will not fall into a sin?)

Answer: It is not allowed.

Answer: In the event that it helps or leads to a haram act, it must be avoided. B

👨Rule: If a man fears that by speaking to a non-Mahram woman, she will make him fall into sin, then he must not speak to her.

👨Rule: If a man knows that by speaking to a non-Mahram woman he will fall into sin other than that of a sexual nature, then it is not allowed for him to speak to her.

Therefore: If a man knows that by talking to a non-Mahram woman, he will be compelled to lie, backbite, or put a false accusation on somebody - whether she makes him fall into sin, or he himself by means of talking to her falls into a sin, then it is not allowed to talk to her.

👨– Question: If one fears that by talking to a certain non-Mahram woman he will fall into sin, then is it allowed for him to talk to her?

Answer: It is not allowed.

👨 – Question: What is the ruling for a man to talk in such a way in that he imitates a woman’s voice, or vice versa?

Answer: It is not a problem if: it is not the voice of a specific woman whom he knows and this causes her degradation or dishonor; and this action of imitation does not stimulate him and it is not something vain and futile, and the same applies the other way around (a woman imitating the voice of a man).

👨 – Rule: It is not allowed to talk to someone about anything that is related to sexual or intimate issues (except one’s spouse).

Note and warning: Sometimes, it can be seen that in the hearts of men, the devil has become so firm that many of their social gatherings are doubtful, and it can be seen that a man has more interest in mingling with non-Mahram women than with his own Maharim. For example, there is a situation in which he can ask something from a man, but instead, he asks a non-Mahram woman; sometimes his conversation with non-Mahram women is prolonged so as to be able to talk with them more; going to places of amusement and on vacations with non-Mahram women is more attracting to him; if there is a place where there are non-Mahram women, he desires to be there more than other places; and when guests come over, he tries to talk and socialize more with the non-Mahram women than the men. He likes to stay in the presence of non-Mahram women more so than anywhere else. In summary, he likes any action that non-Mahram women are participating in more than any other work.

Men - especially our dear youth must stay away from these types of things because this kind of socializing and speaking (with members of the opposite sex) are usually associated with the intention of lust and obtaining (sexual) pleasure and can lead to being haram, according to Islam.

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