Claire and Penelope are woken up by the sound of leaves crunching. They quickly grab their weapons, thinking a tribute is nearby. The crunching stops and leaves them wondering what it was. They start to pack up their backpacks and take what they'll need, before hiding the rest around their camp.

They both start to head off to hunt for breakfast, hoping they won't have trouble finding anything. After a short while, they spot a small ground hog, Penelope slowly and quietly moves towards it, ready with her axe. The ground hog flinches and looks up, but before it can run away, Penelope already has her axe lodged into it. Satisfied with their catch they start to head back to camp.

On the east part of the forest is Aaliyah and Lilian, who's morning hasn't been as successful. They were woken up by the sounds of growling and howling. Both quickly notices that 4 giant hungry wolves were after them, took off running without any supplies or weapons.

They knew the wolves must've been mutations as they never seen a wolf that big. The wolves were gaining on them, but they couldn't find a hiding spot, and they were quickly slowing down becoming more and more exhausted.

Up ahead Lilian noticed a tree with low branches that would be fairly easy to climb. Speeding up, running ahead of Aaliyah trying to get to it as fast as I can. Aaliyah noticed why she started running faster, and also picked up her paced but was really tired as she can't run for long.

When they got there Aaliyah climbed up first, getting high enough so they wouldn't be able to get her. Lilian forgot she wasn't a good climber and was struggling to pull herself up on the first branch, she started panicking and couldn't get up.

Aaliyah noticed she was in trouble and the wolves were just behind her, she tried to reach down, but she knew she was too high up and wouldn't be able to get to her fast enough. Lilian slipped and moments later, the wolfs got her.

Aaliyah looked away only hearing her screams, feeling guilty she couldn't help her. Her screams started to get more and more faint, before their was silence and then a loud boom from a cannon, meaning Lilian was gone.

The Wolves disappeared and a hover craft came and took her body away. Aaliyah was sad, but knew she had to continue. She headed back to camp and gathered their supplies all in one backpack taking her bow and placing Lilian's sword in the backpack, even though she didn't know how to use it properly.

She decided to find a new place for shelter and get more water, walking to the south part of the forest.

When Claire and Penelope get back to camp, they start looking for small branches a few yards away, when they hear a crack and a big large tree lands on them. Pain shooting through Claire's body from the impact.

"Are you alright!?" Penelope asked. "Yeah, I'm fine, but we gotta get out from here." Penelope starts to think for an escape plan. She wiggles a bit, and notices that she could probably squeeze out since she's under the thinning part of the tree trunk.

After a couple minutes she manages to squeeze out, she quickly rushes over to Claire and tries to lift the tree, but it's way to heavy. Since you're really smart you think of a plan to help get Claire out.

She gathers a couple large rocks, rope and a net. She attaches the net to the rope and swings it over a branch in a tree, before tying the other end of the rope around the tree. She starts placing the rocks in the net which starts to weigh it's side down, lifting the tree trunk slightly off of Claire's body, giving her enough room to squeeze out.

Penelope has some minor cuts and bruises, but nothing to serious. Claire seems to have a broken arm, luckily not the one she shoots with. Penelope helps her bandage it up and they secure it with a splint before continuing to cook the ground hog.

Hailey from 7 jolts awake sweating like crazy felling sick and weak. Her vision is blurry and she feels light headed. She soon realizes the squirrel she ate was bad. She knows she needs to find edible plants and roots to help herself. She gets up and starts her long journey.

She's experiencing bad migraines she thinks about her mother who was a healer, one main thing was to keep yourself hydrated, but then her memories become blurry and she can't remember anymore.

She weakly grabs her water container and gulp the rest of water in the container down with some spilling onto her face and shirt. She climbs a tree, which took awhile and starts to eat a bit of edible plants and roots. Drifting off to sleep, hoping she'll fell better for later.

Ella jolts awake hearing Shay scream. "What! What happened?" That spider bit me, you look and see a huge black and red spider crawling around. You immediately jump up and step on it multiple times before it dies.

Shay is slightly crying holding her bite mark and starts to feel dizzy. Ella also doesn't feel well, she feels like she's sick and can't do anything and just at that moment, she runs to the bush and spills her guys out. Knowing that you always ate salmon when you were sick you get up to get some.

She takes her sword and heads to the stream close by, feeling weaker and weaker by the minute knowing she wouldn't be able to fight off any tribute. You see a hole bunch of salmon but you keep missing your shot.

Finally after quite some time you catch a big salmon and make you way back, stumbling every so often.

As for Shay, while she's lying there she here's a 4 note tune and sees a small package land I front of her. She opens if and see it's medicine for your spider bite. You read the paper and it says "get well soon"-DevinRedstone

You quickly rub it on and already start to feel it get better. You soon see Ella appear and she doesn't look good at all, it even looks like she lost some weight. You help her get the fire going to cook the salmon. You let her eat most of it as she needs it, but she gives you some.

You guys both then settle down and rest since you both need it hoping day 4 is better.

Cameron and Kaitlyn have started a fire to cook their deer. It takes a while as it's a large catch before they can have a bit. They hide the rest and decide to save it for day 4. After eating, they sharpen their throwing knives and spears before hiding them away.

They both are exhausted from today and know they have 2 less opponents to worry about.

Claire and Penelope both refill their canteens by the stream nearby and drink some to keep hydrated. They went around checking the traps and setting more for tributes and humans.

Claire notices that one of her rope traps caught something, but it escaped. She looked and seen the rope was cut, meaning it was a tribute. She was mad her trap didn't work, but also wondered who it was.

They fix up camp, and get ready for bed. Penelope taking first watch again to let Claire's arm have a rest.

When Hailey wakes up she feels a lot better, she heads to the stream to wash up a bit and refill her canteen, before cooking a bit of the rabbit she caught the day before and eating it.

She settles down again and watches the anthem play seeing that Lilian and Aria died. Wow two careers in a day! You thought to yourself before falling asleep.

Both Claire and Penelope and Cameron and Kaitlyn watched the anthem play from opposites sides seeing who died and seeing who they had left to kill.

Shay and Ella fell asleep before the anthem along with Aaliyah.



Lilian: District 1

Aria: District 4

Congratulations to the survivors of day 3! The day 4 task will be posted soon, remember whoever doesn't send theirs in will die.

Happy Hunger Games and May The Odds be Ever in Your Favour!

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