Kill this Love

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A/n: Wrote a story inspired by the song "Kill this love"
Hope you'll enjoy~


When we met I fell in love with you, I wanted to be yours. Soon you fell in love with me to and we both ended up being the "perfect" couple.
But as time passed, our love wasn't perfect anymore, it bekame toxic, you started lying to me and we didn't trust eachother, we accused eachother of cheating even if it wasn't true and we hardly spend time together.
After every fight you would manipulate me with those kisses of yours that meant nothing to you but still managed to make my knees week for you. You would even manipulate me into thinking that every fight was my fault and you were the victim an I fell for those fake tears of yours.
Our love grew so toxic that I hated and loved you at the same time, I wanted to be by your side 24/7 but also wanted to leave your side immediately but I couldn't because I used to believe that I only lived for you.

But then i started realizing how weak I was and how I would do everything for you and I couldn't stand beeing so weak and I didn't know what to do.
..I decided that killing this love would be the best for both of us because this relationship wasn't healty.
It was hard for me but I had to understand that after every sweet "Hi" there is always a bitter "Bye".

I've had enough of those moments when I went boo hoo and it was time for me to kick the door and face my weak self and to kill this love.


A/n : Did you like this?
Should I do "Don't Know what to do" next??

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