10. Jennie

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Requested by :  @ren-ryuki

Hope you like it♥

  ☆*。★゚*♪☆*。★゚*♪ ☆*。★゚*♪ ☆*。★゚*♪☆*。★゚*♪☆*。★゚*♪ ☆*。★゚*♪  

"And 1,2,3!" Here I am watching my girl Jennie and Blackpink practicing the dance for their song 'As if it's your last' and honestly I like the sight of Jennie dancing ( A/N: Same) After 20 minutes Jisoo decides to take a break and the girls agree.

"Hey baby are you okay." I ask Jennie, who sits beside me and hugs my waist.

"Yeah a little tired but I'm alright since you're here." She says and smiles at me.

"Hey Y/N-ah did I dance good?" Asks Rosé and sits in frontof Jennie and I.

"Yeah you did great there Unnie."

Baby Jennie P.O.V.:

Did Y/N just compliment Rosé-ah?

"You know Y/N-ah you look really pretty today...You always do." (A/N: Dear Readers you are all beautiful, ignore all those idiots who say that you're ugly! Okay? Okay!)

What the heck! Did Rosé just flirt with MY girlfriend!?

"Thanks Rosé-unnie." Y/N says and blushes. Okay that's it....

"H-hey Rosé, Y/N is MY girl and we were having a moment but YOU interrupted us!"

"Oh really? My bad, I'll leave you two alone." She says and smirks at us.

Beautiful Y/N P.O.V.:

Rosé stands up and goes away leaving Jennie and I alone in the practice room. I turn around to look at Jennie and aske her :"What was that Jennie?"

"W-well she was flirting with you and I didn't like it."

"Are you jealous jagi?" Jennie nods her head 'yes' and kisses me. It's a innocent and sweet kiss. After a couple of minutes we pull away from each other.

"You are mine and ONLY mine." She whispers in my ear. I nod shyly while blushing.

"Y/n...I will have to punish you for making me jealous."

"Then punish me baby." I whisper back to her ear.

I should make Jennie jealous more often. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

☆*。★゚*♪☆*。★゚*♪ ☆*。★゚*♪ ☆*。★゚*♪☆*。★゚*♪☆*。★゚*♪ ☆*。★゚*♪

A/N: Hey BLINKS so like always I hope you enjoyed this chapter of jealous Jennie.♥ So the reason Author-nim is SO happy today, is because I met this person and I'm SO in love with that person that all i can do is smile and being so happy. I hope that person feels the same way tough...But anyways if you guys have request feel free to comment them and I will write it (*≧∀≦*) And I have a question!

Should I do a Q&A?

Should I do a Q&A?

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