The Other Investigation

Start from the beginning

"I'll just talk to Heron then. He'll want the time shaved off so he could go see his kids." And Ling walked away to the sounds of Hemic screaming in rage as he bashed against the glass. 

He went directly to Heron and planted the seed. He wanted Heron to choose a side. His father and life in prison, or his still loyal wife and their 2 kids. 

Hemic would push Heron to shut up and and if he pushed hard enough, he would push Heron right into the hands of Dami and Ling. 

From the prison, he went to Sakhon, to Ban Phaeo. An old man lived there with his widowed daughter and her 2 children. They had made a life for themselves there but according to the second page of information he was swindled out of his land in Chiang Mai. Ling also understood that there was some payoffs that occured and an investigation about it was poorly done. 

To get the case files wouldn't be easy. If the men had been paid off, then chances were, they would contact Tul and inform him there was someone looking into the case. It was important to avoid alerting Tul at all cost. As it was, Ling had already lost his pursuers more than once. 

The question was, why did Tul feel the need to have him followed?

"Good day Mr. Anupat. My name is Detective Tom Ling. I am currently secretly investigating Tul Medthanet."

"I see. Have a seat. We need to speak quickly and carefully. My grand boy just did an internship at Medthanet Port. He met Tul for one hour and came back raving like the man was Buddha reborn."

"Does he know the circumstances of why you now live here?"

"No and I don't want to tell him. Some parents are ok with letting their children inherit their bitterness. I don't want that. It can make you narrow minded and prejudiced. I'm proud of both my grandbabies and I want them to accomplish whatever they set their mind to."

Ling was shocked to say the least and very impressed. He informed the old man of the information they received due to investigating the issue with the statues.

"Hum. Interesting. In my office there is a key that fits into a space underneath one of the paperweights. Once you find it, open the file cabinet, the third draw. The entire thing contains information about the case."

Ling nodded then followed instructions. He whipped out a rolled up backpack from his briefcase and carefully placed the files in it. Once done. He came out, wrote up and handed the gentleman a receipt for the files.

"Don't worry about it kid. Everything in there are just copies. I have the original file safely put away."

"I'll still need to do this sir. For the record."

"Fine." He took the receipt, never once getting out of his chair. Once Ling left, his daughter came out and looked at her father. 

"How come you gave him the good copies?"

"I like him," Was all he said.

The last person Ling was about to visit would be a serious problem.

Both his partner and his Captain knew the relationship between himself and this man. He owed his name, his life, his very existence to this man. He even loved him thought he would never outright tell the man himself.

"I'm here to see Kino."

The day had been long and when he returned to Bangkok, his pissed off pursuers had stuck to him like glue. He went home, had a shower and changed, secured his haul, then left again for Bang Saen.

"Name?" He asked in a bored voice.

"Tom Ling."

The guy suddenly looked at him. His face turned into pissed lines even as he opened the door and let Tom in before shutting it again. Kino only had one rule for Tom. He must come alone.

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