The news didn't exactly come as a shock to the girls. They'd stayed up late last night talking through what had happened and prepared themselves for the worst. But what they hadn't prepared themselves for was Sherri's next bombshell.

"So I'm going to have to let you all go I'm afraid."

"What?" exclaimed Jadine. "When?"

"With immediate effect," said Sherri. "I'm sorry, but there wasn't sufficient interest from anyone who came along and what with everything that's happened I don't think I've got it in me to keep going."

"But we don't have to keep Olivia in the group," countered Jadine, who saw Sherri flinch at the sound of her name. "We can get someone else in."

"Or keep going as just the four of us," added Molly.

"We thought you believed in us," said Rhian.

"I did. I do!" said Sherri, correcting herself. "But I've got to think about myself and the baby. I'm going away for a while. Maybe when I get back we could hook up for coffee or something..."

Jadine couldn't believe it! She'd convinced herself that although they might not get a record deal, that at least Sherri would continue to support them. Hell, it might even be a great way for her to get revenge on Olivia and James! Lena told them after the showcase that it was James who'd recommended Olivia for the group - apparently he'd been sleeping with her for months, but had pretended to Sherri that he'd spotted her singing in a club a couple of weeks before the auditions. What a nerve that guy had! And they'd all thought Derren was a player. Derren had nothing on this guy!

Jadine figured it was worth one last shot. "Sherri, now we know what works for us, we really want to keep going."

"Then why don't you?" said Sherri.

Jadine looked at the girls. Could they really keep going without Sherri bankrolling them?

As Sherri said goodbye and showed them to the door, Jadine's mind raced into overdrive. Of course, they could keep going without Sherri. They all got along like a house on fire (well, most of the time), they were really starting to gel as a group and had even written another song last night. If she could persuade Lyric to produce more of their tracks, and maybe get Lena on board as their manager - she was bursting with innovative ideas, and without Sherri holding her back, there'd be no stopping Lena! Then all that remained was to find somewhere for them all to live. There was no doubt, it was a tall order, but why shouldn't they keep going?

As soon as they were walking through the streets of Notting Hill, Jadine let her thoughts tumble out to the girls.

"But would Lyric even want to produce any more of our tracks?" asked Molly.

"When I tell him what Glenn Davies said about Melody Vibe, of course he will!" said Jadine.

"But where would we stay?" asked Rhian. "Sherri said we have to be out of the house by the end of the week."

"We'll figure something out," said Jadine. "What matters is the group. Are you in or are you out?"

Rhian thought about it for all of two seconds and then announced, "I'm in!"

"Me too," laughed Molly.

Jadine turned to Amy. "So how about it?"

"I've got a confession to make," said Amy, coming to a standstill. "I knew that Sherri was going to let us go."

"How come?" asked Jadine.

"Because Tony Ward left me a voicemail eariler."

Jadine felt herself bristle at the mere mention of that man's name.

"Why didn't you tell us?" asked Molly.

"Because I didn't want to bum you all out. And there's more..." continued Amy. "He said he wants me to record some tracks with him and he'll make sure I get a record deal."

"A sugar daddy producer. Lucky you!" Jadine knew she was being mean, but she couldn't help it. How could Amy even think about choosing that slimebag over them?

"I only pretended I'd go on a date with him, so that he'd work with us," shot back Amy.

"And a lot of good that did us!" snapped Jadine.

"Hey, hey!" said Molly. "We shouldn't be fighting amongst ourselves. Amy - if you'd rather go with Tony then we'd understand. Wouldn't we, Jadine?"

Jadine rolled her eyes. "Well, it's your loss," she muttered.

Suddenly Amy burst into laughter. "Of course I choose you guys!" she blurted. "Tony Ward is a total wanker!"

As soon as Jadine realised Amy had been teasing them, she gave her a playful slap. "You had me going then!"

"Well, Tony did ring me before the meeting, but there was no way I was going to take up his offer. There's only one thing he's interested in, and it isn't my voice," said Amy. "But thanks for believing in me though, hon!"

Jadine took Amy's gentle reprimand on the chin - after all, she deserved it.

"So I'll ring Lyric," said Jadine, swiftly getting them back on track. "Try and get him on board."

"I'll ring Lena," said Molly. "See if we can lure her away from Sherri with an offer of no money but amazing prospects!"

"And I might be able to sort out some accommodation for us," smiled Amy. "It will probably kill me to call in a favour, but it's for a good cause."

"And what shall I do?" asked Rhian.

The girls all thought about it for a moment and then Jadine announced, "You can buy us all a bottle of Lambrini to celebrate!"

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