Relief floods his face, but he quickly tries to cover it up. I understand. He has enough to worry about right now anyway. "It's all up to you, bud."

"I know. I can't leave right now. I need to find her." I stand up, brushing off my shorts. But for now, I have to continue my conversation with Axel because he is acting strangely suspicious. I breeze past my dad. I should give him some time to recover first, so who should I talk to next? I suppose I can talk to Beta Brayden's daughter, Scarlett.

She was undeniably beautiful but I had never thought anymore of her. She practically throws herself at me, which I am not for. I actually very rarely sleep with girls because I want a good first impression on my mate, I don't want her to think I am some sort of player.

When I find her, she isn't in her room, thankfully, she is sitting with someone unfamiliar to me. I stop dead in my tracks the girl turns around. She has beautiful dark, chocolately eyes. I feel a zap of electricity run through me as our eyes lock. My mouth hangs open, shocked. I am, for the first time, completely and utterly speechless. She is the first to speak.

"Mate," she whispers. Her voice sounds like a piece of paradise. I can see myself, years down the line, only listening to her voice for an entire day. Scarlett clears her throat, eyebrow arched.

"I-I," I trip over my words as I struggle to introduce myself. This isn't how I expected it to go. The mystery girl lets out a small giggle. I feel my knees go weak. "I'm Everest."

"I'm Valencia," she extends her hand, a slight blush forms on her dark skin. I can barely feel myself walking forward, but somehow, I am planted in front of her, hand wrapping around her own.

"That's a beautiful name," I breathe, unintentionally. She closes her eyes, smiling.

"Thank you, I got it for my birthday," she opens them again, mischief evident in her wide eyes. I grin at her. "It means brave and strong."

"My name means a mountain," I blush at what I had just said, "you probably knew that. Sorry. I wish I was more prepared for this."

"It's okay. Did you need something?" she drops my hand, looking at me with kind eyes. I finally get a good look at her. She is wearing a baby pink sweater dress with a heart necklace overtop. Her hair is pulled back into soft pigtails, spouting from either side of her head. Her hair is dyed a deep plum color. To top it all off, she wears baby pink heart-framed glasses. My breath has officially been taken away. I direct my attention back to Scarlett. Her beauty seems immeasurable compared to my mate.

"Yes, I need to talk to Scarlett for a few minutes," her deep blue eyes fill with shock and delight.

"About?" she twirls her short, sea-green colored hair around her thin finger.

"Ember," she drops her hair and straightens up, "I'm talking to as many people as I can to find out more."

"Of course," she bobs her head, smiling. Valencia's eyes focus, shifting between us. A question rests in her eyes. I turn to her before she can ask.

"Ember is my little sister, not so little actually. She's 17, and she went missing yesterday," worry fills her eyes. She grabs both of my hands.

"We'll do everything we can to help find her," she promises. She lowers her lips to my knuckles as she presses them to her softly. Another shock zaps through me as I smile. She smiles up at me too.

Scarlett clears her throat again, clearly annoyed. We drop each other's ands again and I turn away from her. Now facing Scarlett, I motion towards the couch. "Shall we talk then?"


Author's Note:

Hi again y'all! I'm sorta writing in bulk so I'll have plenty of chapters saved up for the future. I hope all 3 of you that are reading are having a lovely day. I hope you all like our new characters, Scarlett and Valencia. Harper was going to be Valencia's name, but it didn't have a meaning that stuck out to me so I chose Valencia. I made them into more anime characters so here they are:

 I made them into more anime characters so here they are:

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

Anyway, don't forget to vote and comment!

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

Anyway, don't forget to vote and comment!


~Galaxy Potato <<<<<333333

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