Chapter 7 (i) - Molly

Start from the beginning

"It's just a little something that we came up with at the last minute," lied Molly.

"Does Sherri know about it?"

Molly's silence spoke volumes.

"Molly, she'll hit the roof."

"She'll love us for it," said Molly, finding her voice. "It showcases what music means to us. Really means to us."

"And is Olivia on board?"

"She wasn't at first," said Molly. "But once Amy and Jadine let rip, she gave in."

"Why didn't you come to me with this?" said Derren. "I could have helped you all."

Molly couldn't tell if he was genuinely upset that they'd left him out or if it was just that his ego had taken a battering.

"We thought it would be a nice surprise for everyone," said Molly hopefully.

Derren raised his eyebrows.

"Who's produced the track?" he asked.

Molly reasoned that she'd come this far, saying a bit more probably wouldn't make any difference.

"A friend of Jadine's. He's a rapper and producer called Lyric."

"Never heard of him," said Derren.

"He's great," said Molly. "Lena reckons he's one to watch."

"Lena does, does she?"

"Hey, don't mock Lena. She's really helped us out these last few weeks. We've had more support from her than Sherri or Tony or..."

Molly stopped herself.

"Or me?" finished Derren for her.

"You've done some great choreography but you haven't exactly fought our corner with Sherri."

"One battle at a time. Get your record deal, then you take on the bigwigs."

"But if we don't even get a record deal how can we take on anyone?"

"Look, you girls are great. You're all amazing singers and dancers."

"So what? We need to have vision and belief in ourselves, not just be another identikit girlband."

"Is that Jadine talking or you?"

"Hey, I speak for myself!" shot back Molly. "You should know that by now."

"I'm sorry," said Derren. "I know you do. It's just I want this to work out for you. I care about you."

Molly stared at Derren and was momentarily confused. Was he saying he cared about the whole band? Or her?

"Molly, I need to tell you something..."

Molly didn't think she wanted to hear what he was going to say next and cut him off. "Derren, I just need to know that you're not going to say anything to Sherri or Tony."

"I won't," said Derren softly.

Molly breathed a sigh of relief.

"But I'm doing it for you Molly. Do you understand? For you."

"Derren, we're friends so that's really sweet of you..."

"Molly, I want to be more than friends. I think you're the loveliest, funniest, hottest girl I've ever known. I know you think I'm a total player," pleaded Derren, "but I've never felt this way about anyone before. Since I met you, you're all I can think about. Just to be near you, smell your hair, hear your laugh, have you knock me down with one of your funny put-downs. It sustains me."

Molly felt as though she was having an out of body experience. Or that she was on one of those shows where any minute now, someone would burst in and tell her she'd been punk'd or hoax'd or something equally ridiculous. She was sustaining the ultimate player and all-round ladies man - Derren McKenzie? Molly couldn't help it. She burst out laughing.

"I'm sorry..."

She tried to stop giggling but couldn't.

"I'm not laughing at you..."

But she was.

"It's just...I laugh when I don't know what to say..."

By now she was almost breathless.

"It's just you...he he he...and me? I mean, he he"

Molly could see the look of confusion and increasing embarrassment in Derren's eyes, but she couldn't help herself.

"I mean, you're very sweet."

"Don't patronise me, Molly," fumed Derren as he stood up. Obviously he'd never had a girl openly laugh in his face before.

Molly tried to stop, but tears were almost rolling down her face.

"I don't know what's wrong with me...I'm sorry," said Molly desperately trying to contain her chuckles, which just kept coming and coming.

Suddenly the door burst open and in swept Olivia.

"What's so funny?" she pipped as she crossed to her dressing table.

Somehow Molly managed to calm down. "Derren just told me a joke," she spluttered.

Molly looked at Derren and instantly regretted her comment. "I mean, it wasn't a joke," she stumbled. "A funny story."

Derren turned and left.

"Bye then," sniped Olivia.

Molly ran her fingers through her hair and sighed. She raced into the corridor after Derren and grabbed his arm.

"I'm sorry," she said, worried that she'd hurt him. "It's just that you took me by surprise. I was nervous and I didn't know what to say..."

"And having someone like me interested in you is a total joke. Don't worry, I get it!"

"No, it's not that," soothed Molly, wondering how she'd got herself into this almighty mess. Derren might be a total player, but he didn't deserve to be laughed at. "Look, can we talk about this later?"

"There's no need. Really."

Derren was about to storm off again when Molly held him back.

"Are you still going to keep the song a secret?"

They held each other's gaze for a moment - Molly anxiously regretting her giggly melt-down; Derren keeping his cards close to his chest. Then he turned and headed off down the corridor.

Worried that she'd not only hurt Derren, but that she'd ruined it for the girls, Molly slowly turned back to the dressing room and saw Amy stood in the doorway.

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