Part 10: Alecto's Mission

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Alecto's POV:

I sitting in my lounge when I got an owl...from the Dark Lord.

"Alecto Carrow,

I have a job for you. Harry Potter is going home to his muggle family. Draco, has gotten close to him and will be there for the assist. You need to infiltrate the  muggle household. I will leave the details for you to decide but no one in the house, except for my darling Draco, will leave that house alive.  I do have two more requests. One, keep Draco'd cover, her has been pretending o be in love with Potter for months now, and Potter's friends trust him, Dumbledore trusts him so he will play the heart-broken teen and take down Hogwarts from the inside. Two, make Potter watch as you kill his family, I want him to see the power of me and my devoted followers before he dies, I want him to know that even though he tried his hardest he could not defeat me, or save his friends and family. If you do this, I will admire you and make you make second in command. You can prove to your brother that you can succeed without him and rule over the new world by my side.

Your Dark Lord"

Oh my god, the Dark Lord has noticed all my hard work. I will become the Dark Lords second in command and will prove to my brother that I am more powerful than him and that I can succeed without him.

The first thing that I will do once I ascend to my throne next to the Dark Lord, is get rid of every damned Malfoy on the face of the earth. The Dark Lord always favored them but they are a bunch of good for nothing rats.

*Time Skip to the Dursley's house*

I knocked on the door and nobody answered. God I hate the muggle world, everything is to pristine, it is disgusting. I knocked again and Harry opened the door. I wanted to kill him right then and there but the Dark Lord, gave me orders so I must obey.

"Hello, you must be Mr.Potter, I am Ms.Carrow but you can call me Alecto." I said. He let me in no problem and I was welcomed by to adult muggles who I assume are Harry's Aunt and Uncle. I turned around to is Draco standing with his arm wrapped around Harry's waist. I wanted to throw up. Only if the Dark Lord could see his golden boy now, his arm around the enemy.

"I would like to start as soon a possible, so can everyone give me their name and their relationship to Mr. Potter." I really didn't care but I had a job to do.

"I am Vernon Dursley, I am Harry's uncle and guardian." said a short, fat man, who's face was an unhealthy purple, that smelt like beef, cheese, and rotten onions.

"I am Petunia Dursley, I am Harry's aunt and guardian." said a tall skinny old woman, who looked like a painted cow and smelt like she took daily showers in floral perfume.

"I am Dudley Dursley, I am Harry's cousin." said a short, fat child who looked to be about Harry's age. He smelt like baked goods and sour candy.

"I am Draco Malfoy, I am Harry's boyfriend." I also gagged when he said that. I looks like the Dark Lords lap dog is pulling at his leash. I looked him right in the eyes and I saw that at that moment he recognized me. He slowly closed his eyes and nodded at me. He knew why I was here. He gave me a smile smile. Maybe, he is more loyal and less of a coward than his father and mother.

"I am James... Evens, I am Harry's friend." He looked just like Harry except for his eyes but I didn't know that Harry didn't have a brother than I would of thought that they were related. 

"Thank you everyone. Now I would like to talk to everyone individually. I just want to be... thorough." I winked at Draco who then nodded at me. 

"First I will talk to Mr. Malfoy... then I will talk to the guardians together and down the line from there. Understood?"

Everyone nodded and Draco walked into a separate room with me. "So Draco, you know why I am here?"

"Yes. The Dark Lord sent you to kill Harry and his family." He seemed almost to well put together.

"Yes, that's right. I need you to go along like nothing is happening. The Dark Lord wants you to act like the grieving widower and pull the wool over Dumbledore and Harry's Friend's eyes. They trust you now." I said and Draco smirked.

"Ok, so what's the plan?"

"See this water that they set up for me I have put a little magical poison in it, so when they drink it when they are talking to me, it will give me insurance that they they die no matter what. I will tie up Harry, when I talk to him last and then bring him into the lounge where I will kill his entire family in front of him. I am going to injure you so that when you go to see his friends after it will believable. Once the muggles are dead I want you to call that mud-blood and tell her what is going on. You will then do the honor of killing your...boyfriend." I said and Draco nodded and gave me a slight laugh.

"I have been pretending for far to long, I am so happy that you are giving me a chance to finally show the real me." He said. I shook his hand and the plan was set in motion. "Don't you think it's time, for the boy who lived to finally die?"

"I couldn't agree more." I said with a chuckle. Maybe I miss judged this Malfoy. He walked out of the room and sat next to Harry. He whispered something in his ear and then kissed him. I rolled my eyes holding bak the vomit. 

"Mr, Mrs. Dursley, It's your turn."

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