Part 9: The Dursleys

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Draco's POV:

I walked outside of King's Cross, in the muggle world, to meet Harry and James. It smelled appalling, a mix of urine and smog. The wizarding world had an overwhelming smell of damp wood and fresh parchment, a much more pleasant smell. Harry  and James emerged from King's Cross and I looked around quickly to see if anyone was around. I hate this. I hate having to look over my shoulder when I want to spend time with my boyfriend, because I might be killed by Voldemort or one of his followers. Harry looked at me and saw how upset I was. He put his hand on my lower back, trying to comfort me. "It won't always be like this, Dray, I promise, once we take down Voldemort, we will both be free." He said, and I smiled and nodded. 

James turned around and looked at me and Harry, Harry quickly removed his hand from my back and James waved us over to get off the stairs and join him on the pavement. We did and HE turned to Harry. "Where are the Dursleys? Shouldn't they be here to pick us up?"

"N-No they never pick me up or drop me off, I take the bus back H-Home, because I am to young to apparate." Harry said. He seemed almost embarrassed.  

"Well, It is lucky that I am here. I am seventeen, and also according to this world I am dead so my trace is gone. Harry I need you to picture your house and don't let anything distract you. Draco I need you to hold onto my arm, same with you Harry. 1...2...3..." 

Aunt Petunia's POV:

I was cooking in the kitchen, I was preparing dinner for social worker that is coming to our house today. She is going to interview all of us and make sure that we are treating Harry right. I mean this is absurd we took Harry in when he had nothing else and raised him right. Sure we may treat him a little differently then we do Dudley, but that's only because he killed my sister. If he was never born my sister would still be alive, him and his freak of a father. I blame him entirely, him and every freak like him. I shook my head, there was no point in thinking about that now I just need to act like I love Harry as much as I do my real son. I walked over to the kitchen counter to grab the roast that I had left marinating over night. I placed it in the oven heard a loud pop almost like a car backfire. I turned around quickly and saw three boys in my lounge. I let out a scream and Vernon came rushing in to see what was wrong. 

"Petunia! What's wrong." Vernon said, winded from running down the stairs.

"Nothing Dear, Harry just got back and he brought friends."

"He did WHAT?!?!?" Vernon screamed and looked into the lounge where the three boys stood.

The was Harry, a blond haired boy, and... there is no way. The third boy turned around and sure enough it was, James Potter. The same Hazel eyes and messy black hair, it was no mistaking him, it was definitely James.

"Hello, Petunia, It's been a long time. I see you are still with Vernon, and this must be your son...Dudley was it?" He said looking a my son who had been watching the telly just moments before, it was like he was taunting me. I stood in awe, he hasn't changed a bit, not one, he is the exact same man from 19 years ago. 

"Petunia? Who is this boy?" Vernon asked. Harry looked and Vernon and then at James, the blond boy did the same, it was like they were waiting for something. Harry grabbed the blond boy's hand who accepted it and they stood there. We were all silent, all afraid to make the first move, everyone except James.

"Oh, sorry I forgot to introduce myself, I am James... James Potter." James said with a smirk, he always love to stir up trouble.


"You heard him, this is my father, and this..." Harry looked at the blond haired boy and nodded, "is my boyfriend, Draco Malfoy," James turned around quickly this was obviously the first time that he had heard this. 

"So you are not only a freak but a faggot." Vernon yelled, if looks could kill Harry would be dead, in fact all three boys would be dead.

"F-Father..." Dudley shuddered, he looked almost offended. "We don't use that word anymore."

"I don't care Dudley, that is what he is, and if you are wise you will keep you mouth shut and continue to watch the telly and leave this to the adults." Vernon said turning his anger to Dudley.  Dudley nodded slightly and sat back down in his chair.

"Well... Harry, you are just like you father, an abomination... you are disgusting and I hope that I will never have to see you again after this holiday. You are no longer welcome in this house after Christmas, I expect that you will be fully packed and gone by the 26th." I said. I am not going to live under the same roof as him any more, I can't. 

"Don't worry, you won't, and the only reason that I am staying till Christmas is for the sake of Dudley, he doesn't deserve to be taken away from his parents, no matter how vile they are." Harry screamed and he walked past Vernon and the other two boys followed.

Draco's POV:

Harry walked up the stairs and into his room, James and I followed him into his room. He shut the door and locked it from the inside. He stood staring at the lock for about ten seconds, something was wrong. He turned around to reveal the tears running down his cheeks. He looked broken I and I felt my heart shatter into a million pieces, but I had to stay strong. I had to stay strong for him. He slide down the door and broke down in sobs. The only other time that I had seen him cry was when Cedric was killed during the tournament. I rushed over to him and wrapped my arms around him. I wanted, no I needed him to feel safe.

"I-It's okay... I promise... remember what you said at the train station, Once we take down Voldemort things will be different, we can move in together, get married, have a life free from our families and the fear of death. Once he's gone we can create our own family." I said trying to calm Harry down. He was shaking and I could barely keep it together, I couldn't bare to see him like this, but I had no choice I had to stay strong.

"They were my only family, the only ones that I had left and now I don't even have them. I don't have a home. Growing up I had very little, almost nothing, but the one thing that I did have was somewhere I could call home and now that is even gone." Harry said tears still streaming down his face.

" They weren't your family, family is supposed to stick by you through thick and thin, and love you no matter what, but they never loved you like you deserved to be loved. Hermoine, Ron, Remus, Sirius, James and me, we are your family and you still have us. You will always have a home whether it is at Hogwarts are with one of us but you are never alone and we will never leave you." I said and Harry wrapped his arms around me and hugged me tightly.

"Thank You." he said simply into my ear. 

"I was unsure about the thought of you two at first, but I realized that we are not always like our parents and Draco, you are nothing like your father. You are brave and just  and I could not of picked a better person to love my son." James said and both me and Harry looked up at him. "I am an old fashioned man, with a lot of old fashioned values but I can recognize love and this, what I see in front of me is one of the purest examples."

Both me and Harry stand up and hug James. This was the first time in a long time that I felt like I like I had a real family, and I am so grateful for it. I do not know how this is going to end, or if we will defeat Voldemort but at this moment I am content with what I have. 

We let go of our hug and Harry when onto his bed and sat silently, I joined him and James was walking around the room looking at things. The house was dead quiet, almost too quiet. I had a bad feeling like a storm was coming and that there was nothing that we could do to stop it. The silence broke with the sound of the doorbell. I looked at Harry and he wiped his eyes and shrugged.

"It's probably just the social worker. She is having dinner with us."

Harry unlocked his door and walked downstairs. I followed closely behind. There was another ring at the door and Harry opened it. There was a slightly round women with bright red hair. Her face was covered in freckles and she was in a navy suit, with a skirt the went just past her knees. She was holding a clipboard, but no briefcase, which I found strange. I could've sworn that I had seen her somewhere before. 

"Hello, you must be Mr. Potter, I am Ms. Carrow but you can call me Alecto."

Where have I heard that name before?

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