Part 3: Reunion Pt. 1

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James's POV

We were going to explore our future, I mean who gets to do that? I stood up and then was pushed back down by a wild-haired girl. She looked at all of us and stood in shock. A red-haired boy came running over in a panic, "Hermione! What are you doing?"

"Ron, look at them!" the wild-haired girl who I assume is Hermione screamed at Ron. Ron stared at us and his jaw dropped in disbelief. I looked around to see if there was anyone behind me and I noticed that everyone stared for a second and then when on with their previous task. Did these two yell at each other so much that nobody even cares to watch? Wow that's sad.

"Th-That's not possible. How are they here?" Ron scans the the couch and his eyes landed on Peter. "You!" Ron spat with a venom in his voice, "Your brave for showing you face here after what you've done!" Ron's voice was filled with so much hate that it scared even me. What could of our Peter done that birthed that much hate in this boy? 

"Ron!" Hermione scolded, " This is not our Peter... I mean it is but this version of Peter is innocent... at least for now. So calm yourself and take a walk. How about you ask Neville to help you on your Herbology work." Ron huffed away and Hermione took a deep breath. "Sorry about that, Ron can be a little hot headed when it comes to his family. By the Way my name is Hermione, and don't worry I know that you are not from our where is you time turner?" I looked at Remus who was completely shocked.

"You know what a time turner is?" Remus said surprised.

"Well of course, I mean I was giving one in my third year so that I could double up on classes. Me and Harry also used it to save you." Hermione said pointing at Sirius.

"So you know us?" I asked.

"Well I never met you, James, but I met the rest of you." 

"Who is Harry?" Sirius asked.

"Well.... His his full name is Harry James Potter." Hermione said being very cautious with her words.

"Does that mean that he is my son?" I ask shocked, I mean I'm not surprised that I have one twenty years from now but still this is so weird. Hermione nodded and smiled. " What's he like?" 

Hermione gave me a sweet smile, " He is one of the bravest people that I know. He is never afraid of doing what is right even if it costs him everything. He is one of the sweetest, kindest, and most loving people that I have ever met and would do anything for the ones he loves. I could not imagine my life without him. You would be proud." she said beaming.

"I think that you just met your son's girlfriend before you met your son." Sirius teased. 

Hermione's eyes went big, "No! Harry's my brother... I love him but as a brother only!" she said so quickly that I was barley able to understand her, but I understood enough. 

" So... Your my... Daughter?" I asked and Hermione shook her head.

"No, I'm sorry, he's not my biological brother but he might as well be. I consider him my brother in every sense of the word other than blood." Hermione said smiling and she went over to me and gave me a hug. I don't know why but I trust her. I buried my head into her shoulder. When she let go I realized that her shoulder was wet. Why was I crying? "Do you want to meet him? I know that he would really like to meet you." I nodded quickly, "and Sirius, I sure that he would love to see you too. I mean you still are his family." Sirius looked at me and I nodded and Sirius agreed to go with Hermione and me to meet Harry. Then something occurred to me...

"What do you mean by, 'he would really like to meet me',I mean I am his father so..."

"Spoilers..." Hermione said cutting me off. " So we don't want to overwhelm Harry right away so what I am going to do is take you and Sirius with me." she said staring at me and Sirius, "Then Worm...Peter you are going to stay here with Lupin, it's probably better that Harry doesn't meet least not right now. He has a bigger bone to pick with you than Ron does." Hermione said and Peter quietly nodded and slumped in his chair. We all nodded and headed out of the dorm room. 

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