Part 1: The Time Turner

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James's POV

I was walking down the hall when I saw Lucius and Snape cornering Wormtail. I rushed over and pushed myself in between Wormtail and Lucius, ignoring Snape.

"Lucius!" I said with venom in my voice, "Back off, Peter did nothing to you and he is protected by me, Gryffindor's head boy." Lucius hissed and walked away and I turned to Peter. "You ok? Don't worry about Malfoy, he is a coward whom has his head so deep in the sand that..." I was cut off by Wormtail hugging me.

"Thank you for always benign there for me no matter what. You really are the best friend I could ever have Prongs."

"No problem, Wormtail, I will always have your back and I assume that you will always have mine. I just hope that Lucius never has children, and if he does then my children never have the misfortune of meeting them." I said as I wrapped my arm around Peter and we started to head to our dorms. " I heard that Padfoot and Moony found something interesting and that we should cause some MISCHIEF with it." I winked.

"I am always up for some good mischief, at long as you don't throw me under the bus this time." Peter laughed.

"No promises" I said with a laugh and break out into a run playfully looked behind me to make sure that Peter is still with me.

Sirius's POV

Moony, Remus, sat on my bed and I smiled. He was so adorable and innocent looking, when he focused. I was messing around with a time turner that we found. I slowly walk over to him and grabbed the time turner and placed it on my bed side table. I looked around and nobody was in the room and I sat down next to him and grabbed his chin. I leaned in and kissed him. "We can't do this right now I mean..." He said pushing me away. I lean in again but I instead go for the neck and start to kiss and suck leaving a small mark on his collarbone. I have become a expert at leaving my mark where nobody would see. " I mean anyone c-could w-wall in." Moony shuddered.

"Who cares I love you and you love me. What does it matter what other people think." I said and I then straddled him and I continued to kiss him.

I then heard thundering footsteps and laughing coming up the stairs. I quickly hopped off Moony and grabbed the time turner. I helped Remus straighten his tie and we pretended to be talking when James and Peter entered.

Peter's POV

Me and James walked in and saw Sirius and Remus talking. James spoke, "So what did you find and what does it do."

"Well... it's a time turner and you can go backwards and forwards in time." Remus said and Sirius stood up and stood behind Remus, a little to close in my opinion. " We can't mess with it to much we could screw up our past, presents, and futures."

"How does it work?" Sirius asked.

"Well you put this chain around the people whom you want to travel with and spin the turner forwards to the future and backwards for the past, but you have to be careful because..." Padfoot and Prongs gave each other a quick glance and sprung into action. Padfoot grabbed the turner from Moony and James grabbed me and pulled me close and he grabbed Sirius who had now wrapped the chain around all of us. James took the turner and spun it really hard and continued to spin it until we saw the world go by us really quickly. The next thing we knew we were standing in the Gryffindor's boys chambers and it was all the same but all slightly different.

"Did it work?" I asked and we all looked confused. Remus untangled himself from us and grabbed the time turner, which was now broken, and wrapped it around his neck for safe keeping.

"There's only one way to find out." Sirius said with a smile looking at Remus for reassurance.

"I mean you have already skewed it up we might as well look around." Remus said and we all walked out of the common room.

James's POV

We all sprinted downstairs to the common room and we looked around. It was all almost the same but all of the kids were different. I looked around and saw a newspaper sitting on the table. I grabbed it and looked at the date.

Remus's POV

I can't believe that James and Sirius were dumb enough to use the time turner without fully understanding how it works. From what it looks like we are far enough in the future that some new kids came to Hogwarts because I don't recognize the faces I saw in the common room. James came over and showed me a news paper .

It read, " Harry Potter Telling the Truth" and Sirius came to me with another and it read, "He-Who-Should-Not-Be-Named is Back!!!" The thing that was most disturbing was the date, "Dec. 2, 1996"

19 years later then when we left!

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