1 | Stepping Stone

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"Crap.." I breathed out as I took a punch to the stomach.

"You weren't guarded. Are you paying attention in my lessons at all?" My bestfriend, Antonio Dawson, asked.

"Can't help but get distracted when there's a cute guy staring at me." I smiled, winking at the guy across the gym.

"Ana, focus."

I got back into my stance, positioning my arms. As I threw and received punches, I struggled to breathe.

"Control your breathing. Breathe out when you throw a punch, breathe in when you receive one."

"5 minute break." I quickly requested causing him to laugh.

"Actually, we gotta go. Shift starts soon."

I looked at the clock, picking up my gym bag. On the way out, the guy that had been staring at me slipped me a paper.

"I give it a week." Antonio said once we were outside.

"Excuse me?"

"This happens a lot. Some guy will give you his number, you'll go on a date and lose interest immediately."

"That is not true."

"Oh yeah? How long was Tommy around for?" He questioned with a smirk.

"He was- you know what, nevermind. There was a reason behind it."

"Which was?"

"I found out he was married, with kids." I confessed, dropping my bag in the passenger's seat then shutting the door.

"Did he tell you that before or after you started dodging his calls?"

"You are such a dick."

We got into our own cars, heading to the 21st district. Once we arrived, I greeted my partner, Nolan.

"Hey, partner." I smiled.

"Hey, how's it going?" He grinned, hugging me once he got the chance.

"Just got my ass kicked and maybe developed a few bruises but other than that, I'm great."

"You both smell horrible." Nolan pinched his nose.

"So do you. What's up, Willhites?" Antonio retorted then loudly greeted the family in the car parked a few feet away.

"Hey, guys." I added, fist bumping the kids.

Choices We Make | Antonio Dawson Where stories live. Discover now