Cha 22: one on one fights begin

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"Do you know about quirk marriages" Todoroki asked shutting him up

He went on explaining his life and giving Izuku his story. The reason because Almight the current number one hero had his eyes on him. And as the son of the number two hero who had been forced to train right after he gained his quirk to become number one, he saw him as a rival.

He told him the he would spite his father in in doing he would become the number one without using his left side. The side that had the quirk he inherited from his father.

Izuku remembered when he first met Todoroki. He hated his father and it seemed that hatred had grown over the years. Izuku noticed that they were some what the same but different.

Both of them had their mother's taken away at a young age. But Todoroki's was still alive. And both were raised and trained by their fathers. That were almost polar opposites. Erasure Head cared for his kid very much compared to Endeavour.

After the talk. Izuku couldn't go to sleep. It was as though Todoroki was seeing him as Almight. If he suppress him then he suppress Almight. He needed to have some sense knocked into him.

Erasure Head being the teacher for both students had over heard their conversation. The look he saw on his sons face told him that he wanted to knock some sense into Todoroki. The matches had been set for the next round. Everything was by random. It would be up to Izuku to help his classmates.

In the end he Izuku couldn't get any rest or time to calm the pounding headache. To make it worse the bloody mega phone was shouting into another bloody mega phone.

The third round of the sports festival had finally begun and he was up against Shinsou.

"The first match we have Shinsou from the Gen ed department!!"

"Don't be fooled now, this guy trained under a sadistic slave driver and is on par with his opponent when it comes to tactics!!!"

"And his opponent we have that man Aizawa!!! oh boy it's confusing since there's one sitting next to me"

"He to shouldn't be underestimated. He has proven it to us already on this very day"

The crowd cheered and then noticed something.

Both Aizawa (Izuku) and Shinsou had capture gear.

They began saying things and then Present Mic decided to answer their questions

"If you all wondering about why they have the same gear well you could say they got it from the same person. Erasure Head!"

"Aspiring future underground heroes. Trained under the best of the best. They are also family a-ugwah..."

Present Mic got strangled.

Midnight signalled the battle to begin and so Izuku was off with One For All full cowling.

Shinsou managed to dodge. And began talking. He knew Izuku was keeping his quirk suppressed but he knew his cousin would slip. He was glad he went through that hellish training with Izuku. He trained even more after. This surprised Izuku because he was able to keep up.

"Oi, oi this looks like a really close battle. Aizawa is trying his best to capture Shinsou and the man is dodging effortlessly" present Mic voiced out after he was able to escape from  Aizawa

"Aizawa what do you think about this battle" he asked the mummy beside him

The crowd was slightly confused. 'just call one Aizawa and the other Erasure Head' many of them thought together

The teacher let out a huff "they're both being careful and are not underestimating each other"

Izuku tried to use his capture gear, but couldn't catch Shinsou.

"Uraraka-san is really nice" if anyone knew how to push his buttons it was Shinsou

Izuku deactivated suppress. Any longer and he would pass out. He needed to keep his mouth shut now.

Shinsou managed to catch him with his capture gear and was about to send him out the ring when suddenly he activated razor extend and stood still as a boulder.  Shinsou quickly retracted his scarf and stood a good distance from Izuku

"You know Izu you should really thank me and my new friend Iida... other wise you would have beaten your self to a bloody pulp"

So it was you two that put me and Uraraka through those uncomfortable situations, he wanted to shout.

"Ahh, that was a really nice cup of coffee, mind buying it for me again next time"

Izuku charged at him and then Shinsou decided to tell him this

"I heard she likes you too"


Izuku got brainwashed

Aizawa Izukuحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن