Chapter 15: Romeo and Juliet

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"I'm so nervous," Rory moaned as the makeup artist made sure the ballerina looked perfect.

"Don't be," the young girl replied with a kind smile. "You'll be great out there. I've seen you and John rehearse. You dance very well together, and you're both extremely talented."

"Thank you," Rory laughed softly, hopping out of the chair and smoothing out her costume. "Are you ready, Maddie?"

Maddie hopped out of her chair as well and nodded. "How did I end up with the part of Juliet's nurse?" She moaned.

"Because that's the part you wanted," Rory chuckled. "Come on, let's go."

"Great job with the makeup, Vicki," Maddie quickly said to the makeup artist before heading off after Rory.


"Rory," Danny exclaimed in awe, "you were wonderful. I think that was your best performance yet."

"Thank you," the blonde ballerina blushed. "It was really all John's doing."

"No, it really wasn't," John laughed, startling Rory. "It was all you, kid."

"Thanks, John," Rory smiled.

Jamie ran up and hugged the ballerina tightly. "You danced beautifully," he grinned.

"Do you think I have a good chance of getting discovered?" Rory asked hopefully.

"I think you have a very good chance of getting discovered," Jamie nodded.

Danny said a few words of agreement before deciding to gather his small group to go to dinner. They, of course, went to Lombardi's.

The decent sized group was seated immediately. Among the group was Danny, Maddie, Rory, Jamie, John Kelp, and Vicki, the makeup artist. Thomas and Cass's shifts were ending as the group entered, and the couple was invited to join.

"I'd love to," Cass smiled. "Thomas?"

"Sure, I'll join you guys," Thomas nodded.

The two sat down down and took part in the conversation. The current topic was Paris and how exciting it would be to perform at the Garnier.

Soon, Rory and Jamie were involved in their own, separate conversation.

"I mean, you were sitting close to him. What did he look like?" Rory inquired.

"Short, graying hair, glasses," Jamie shrugged.

"No, no, no," Rory sighed with a small laugh. "I mean, did he look like he enjoyed the show?"

"He had a clipboard and was writing down stuff throughout the performance, so it was hard to tell. I think he nodded a few times though. I'm not sure if that's good or bad," Jamie chuckled.

"Great," Rory moaned. "He hated it."

"I don't think so," Jamie frowned. "I'm pretty sure I saw I faint smile on his face towards the end of the show."

"Yeah, he was smiling because the show was almost over," Rory sighed. "I'm never going to get discovered."

Jamie shook his head. "I don't think so. It wasn't a 'Thank God this is almost through" smile. It was more of an 'I really like this' smile."

"I still have my doubts," Rory shrugged.

"Don't," Jamie laughed. "You did an extraordinary job."

"Thanks," Rory chuckled.


Rory set her keys on the table with a heavy sigh. "Okay, do you honestly think I did a good job tonight?"

"Honestly?" Maddie laughed. "I think you were amazing. I'd be very surprised if you didn't get asked to perform at the Garnier after that performance."

"Really?" Rory smiled. "Thanks, Maddie."

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