Chapter 13: Romeo

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"Did Danny tell you anything about performing Romeo and Juliet?" Rory asked as she and her friend made their way to the theater.

"No," Maddie sighed. "He's so secretive when it comes to his ballets. He did say that there might be some exciting news though."

"Intrigue," Rory said with sudden interest. "Tell me more."

"I wish I could," Maddie moaned. "Like I said, when it comes to his ballets, he doesn't tell me much of anything."


"That's wonderful," Jamie smiled.

"Yes, John was perfect for Romeo, and once I cast him, the rest fell into place," Danny nodded. "And Rory is perfect for the role of Juliet."

Jamie nodded in agreement. "She's very talented."

Just then, Rory and Maddie entered the building. "We made it," the former said breathlessly.

"Ah, good," Danny smiled. "Now we can announce the good news." He gathered everyone in a big group backstage and stood in the center. After clearing his throat, he said, "Attention, everyone. We have found a male lead for Romeo and Juliet. I would like to welcome John Kelp to our ballet."

Everyone clapped as John took a bow. "I look forward to working with all of you," he smiled.

Danny nodded. "Now, that is not our only news. There will be a talent scout from France coming to our production. He is in charge of finding performers for the Palais Garnier."

Rory gasped in excitement. Turning to Maddie, she exclaimed in a whispered tone, "Do you know what this means? I might get discovered!"

"Think of it! You would finally be able to live your dream," Maddie smiled. "I just hope I'd get discovered too so that we could go together."

Rory put an arm around Maddie. "Nothing would make me happier than to live my dream with my best friend."

"So, you'll be taking Jamie with you?" Maddie teased.

"Oh, stop," Rory chuckled.


"You should be our pianist," Danny insisted, biting into his slice of pizza, "for our production of Romeo and Juliet. You could get discovered."

"Danny, we've been over this," Jamie sighed.

"We have?" Danny questioned, raising an eyebrow. "Refresh my memory."

"I just...can't."


"Because I can't live up to the pressure," Jamie moaned. "He was a legend, and I can't live up to him and everything he stood for. I'm afraid that I would let him down."

Danny's eyebrows raised slightly in comprehension. "Jamie," he said softly, "you're a very talented pianist. Your grandfather would be very proud of you."

"I don't want to do something wrong and tarnish his name," Jamie sighed. "I'm afraid of failing."

"If your grandfather was still alive, I think he'd want you to take the chance," Danny nodded with a small, comforting smile. "He'd want you to try."

Jamie considered his friend's words. His grandfather would want him to try. Personally, though, Jamie didn't feel as if he had enough talent to succeed. "You're probably right," he sighed, "but I still don't think I can do it."

Danny shrugged. "It's up to you. I am in need of a new pianist and could use your help. Keep that in mind. You could think of it as helping out an old friend."

"New pianist? What happened to your old one?" Jamie questioned with a bit of surprise in his tone.

"I fired him," Danny chuckled. "He didn't even explain why he didn't show up at the Swan Lake performance. I need someone more reliable."

Jamie nodded. "I know what you're saying. I'll think about it."

"That's all I'm asking," Danny smiled.

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