Chapter 5: Swan Lake

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"Hurry up, Maddie," Rory moaned. "We're going to be late!"

"I can't decide on what shirt I should wear after," Maddie called back.

"Just pick one and get your butt out the door," Rory sighed. "I don't feel like getting a lecture from Danny on your account."

"Oh, please. Like Danny would actually lecture you," Maddie said, rolling her eyes.

"Yes, actually, he would lecture me, and has before because you can't seem to get anything done on time."

"Whatever. I'm ready," Maddie sighed.

The two girls immediately hurried to the theater, where a rather impatient Danny was waiting.

"I'm so sorry we're late," Maddie said breathlessly. "It was my fault."

"Mhm," Danny hummed distractedly.

"Is something wrong?" Rory asked slowly.

"It's the blasted pianist. He's late," Danny said indignantly. Maddie asked if he had a backup, to which he replied, "Of course, let me go call him. No, I don't have a backup pianist!"

"Geez, lay off. I didn't do anything," Maddie said a bit defensively.

"Sorry," Danny sighed. "It's just that, if we don't have a pianist, we can't perform. I shall have to refund a full house."

"Well, for your sake, I hope he shows," Rory smiled, heading in the direction of the costume department. "Hurry up, Maddie."

Maddie gave a sigh of exasperation and ran off after her friend.

"Lombardi!" Danny exclaimed, seeing his friend enter the building. "James, over here!"

"Hey," Jamie laughed. "What's with the worried look on your face?"

"My pianist is late. I haven't heard from him, and I don't want to have to refund tickets," Danny sighed. He suddenly had a realization. "Wait. You play piano."

Jamie nodded slowly.

"Do you think you could play for us?"

"I could try," Jamie shrugged. "I can't guarantee I'll do well."

"Nonsense! You're wonderful," Danny nodded. "Come on, hurry!"

Jamie felt a bit confused, but he complied. Suddenly, the thought of his mystery girl popped into his head. "Could Aurora in fact be her?" He thought. His thoughts kept drifting to her. There was something about that blonde hair and the color of her eyes that he found so attractive. The way her-

"Hurry up, Jamie! We don't have time for lingering," Danny called behind him.


"Beautiful!" Danny applauded as the ballet ended and the curtain closed. "Wonderful job, Aurora."

"Thank you," she smiled. "The piano sounded wonderful. Who did you have playing?"

"An old friend. Hang on. I'll find him and introduce the two of you," Danny beamed.

"You don't have to do that," Rory sighed, but Danny was already too far away to hear.

He quickly returned with a tall, young man, who had light brown hair and wore glasses. "Aurora, I would like you to meet James Lombardi."

"Jamie?" Rory questioned with a surprised smile.

"So, your name is Aurora Lucas," he smirked. "At last, I can stop calling you 'mystery girl'."

"It appears you two have met before," Danny laughed.

"Aurora is the mystery girl I spoke of that day after the showcase," Jamie smiled, shaking Rory's hand. "It's nice to properly meet you."

"On my end as well," Rory smiled back.

Jamie got an idea at that moment. He tried to stop himself, but found his lips moving too quickly for his brain to put a halt on his words. He asked, "Would you like to go to dinner sometime?"

"What?" Rory asked, a bit taken aback by the sudden proposal.

"Well," Jamie stammered, "you just seem like a nice person and Danny talks of you constantly. I would like to see what all this fuss is about."

Rory thought for a minute. "Alright. I'd love to go to dinner with you."

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