Chapter 4: At the Showcase

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"Danny!" Called a man's voice from behind.

"Ah, James," he smiled. "It's been a while since I've seen you. How are you doing?"

"I'm doing well. Business at the restaurant is wonderful, which means lots of tips," James laughed. "It works out beautifully for me."

Danny nodded in agreement. "Well, I best make sure my ballerinas are ready. Enjoy the showcase. Find me after, alright?"

James consented and walked away to go find his seat.


"Why am I so nervous?" Rory sighed, wringing her hands together.

Maddie laughed. "Calm down, girl. You've practiced this dance a thousand times. You'll be great."

Rory mustered a faint smile. "Thanks."

Danny peeked his head through the door. "Five minutes, Aurora."

"Have fun," Maddie beamed.

Rory took her place on stage. The music came on and she let it guide her every step, every movement, breathing life and air into the dance.


James sat in the audience and watched in wonder as the blonde ballerina glided across the stage. "She looks familiar," he thought. "Is that...mystery girl?"


"Don't mess up," Rory thought to herself as she finished her third pirouette.

Fortunately, she did very well. Not a single step was out of place. Every detail was perfect, right down to the movement of her fingertips. She was light on her feet and moved very smoothly across the stage.

Once she finished, the audience rose to their feet and applauded the ballerina, who blushed and curtsied in thanks.

"Aurora! You danced beautifully!" Danny beamed as the dancer stepped off stage.

"Thank you," Rory replied, breathing a sigh of relief at her performance being over. She turned to Maddie, grinning. "Your turn."

Maddie took a deep breath and glided onto the stage to begin her performance.


Rory threw her pointe shoes into her bag. "I am so glad that that's over."

"Me too," Maddie chuckled. "It wasn't exactly my best performance ever."

"What are you talking about? You were wonderful," Rory insisted.

Maddie shrugged. "I thought I did horribly. You simply cannot change my mind on this matter."

"You are stubborn," Rory sighed. "I could go for pizza. Thoughts?"

"That sounds amazing. Let's order it and have it delivered to the apartment."

"Good thinking."


"Danny!" James called, rushing to his friend.

"Why are you in such a hurry?" Danny laughed.

"I almost got swept away in a crowd of people who were trying to leave the building," James said breathlessly. "The dancers were all wonderful tonight."

"Thank you," Danny smiled, "but really, I can't take any credit. It was all them."

"You know, I thought the blonde ballerina had the best performance of all," James said thoughtfully.

"Which one would that be?"

"She was of medium height and was very pretty. She danced to that piano version of Thinking Out Loud."

"That would be Aurora Lucas. Very promising talent, Jamie. Very promising, indeed," Danny grinned.

"She's one of the best I've seen," Jamie nodded.

"Yes, well, maybe I'll introduce you someday," Danny teased.


"I'm starving," Maddie sighed, opening the pizza box.

"You're always starving," Rory chuckled.

"Well, at this moment, I'm more hungry than usual."

"That's what you say every time."

Maddie made a face. "Hush, you."

Rory laughed with a small shrug. "Hey, wasn't the pizza delivery guy cute?"

"Yes," Maddie gasped.

The two girls talked for about ten minutes or so about this. It was then decided that they must be desperate for "crushing on the pizza guy".


"...which is why giving a banana to a chimp at the zoo is a bad idea altogether. They haven't let me back in since," Danny laughed. "Jamie, are you paying attention?"

"What?" Jamie asked, suddenly snapping out of his daydreaming. "Yes, bananas and chimps. Very bad mix. Why on Earth would you feed a monkey?"

"I thought the sign said 'Please feed the chimpanzees'. It wasn't until it was too late that I realized that I had misread it," Danny chuckled. "I can tell something's on your mind. What is it?"

Jamie sighed. "I met a girl."

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