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TW: Jealousy and very slight sexual tension

Before anyone knew it, Alana was one the ground, on top of Connor, hugging him tightly and balling her eyes out.

Evan and Zoe exchange questioning looks while Connor and Alana struggle to get up in roller skates.

"Holy shit, I missed you." Connor wheezed, wiping a tear off his face.

"Wh-what the fern just happened?" Evan finally said, causing everyone to laugh which caused Evan to shrink down, face flushed.

"I'm Connor's best friend, Alana Beck." She shook his hand tightly and fast.

Evan looked away, clearly a bit jealous. 'If I were to be reunited with him he wouldn't jump into my arms..'

While Alana and Zoe we're talking, Connor grabbed Evan's hand in an attempt to cheer him up.

Evan shook his head, used the I-need-to-use-the-restroom-excuse and skated off.

In the restroom, Evan looked at himself in the mirror and gave himself a questionable look. "God, why are you so upset? Not everything is about you, you know. You should he happy for him, after all, he did just see his bestfriend that he hasn't seen since he got here." He spat,   making him feel like a dick the more and more he talked down to himself.

He shook his head, splashed some water in his face and headed to the door but was met by Connor coming in and pining him against the wall.

"Why did you run off?" He furrowed his eyebrows and gave Evan the famous heart melting face.

All Evan could manage was a shrug, "I-I um had to u-use the bathroom." He muttered and tried to look anywhere but the taller boy's eyes, knowing that if he were to catch a glimpse, he'd be ripped apart at the seems.

Connor swiftly grabbed his chin, making Evan look at him. He easily read his eyes like a children's book and started chuckling.

Then a light bulb lit up, giving him an idea.

(Sincerely me just turned on and I'm screaming. Singing break! Update, im done)

Connor pressed his lips against Evan's neck, causing the smaller boy to gasp. "C-Connor? What- fuck what are you doing?"

Connor smiled and bit on Evan's neck, sending the boy shivering. "What? I'm just showing you how cute I think you are when you're jealous, Evvy."

The vibrations of Connor's voice against his neck sent him in a loop he wished he would never leave until he heard that last sentencs. "I-Im not jealous." He defended.

Connor backed off, leaving Evan a trembling mess, "Alright, Come on, everyone was worried about you, Evvy."

Before he got to the door, Evan grabbed Connor back and connected their lips. Connor smiled against his lips, knowing he won.

They the parted, Connor's smiled turned into the smuggest look Evan has ever seen. "Might wanna cover that up. Wouldn't want Zoe and everyone else seeing that, would you?"

And with that, he walked out.

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