Why me?

117 7 6

After I explained everything to Mr. Heere, Heidi left and I was left alone with him.

I sat directly across from him, nervously tapping my knees.

He occasionally stole glances at me but kept typing away at his computer, "So your birth name is Claire Murphy, your an AC, and you ran away. All this information is correct?" I nodded.

I closed his lap top and slid a paper towards me, "alright, Connor, all I need you to do is sign this agreeing to the terms of here and I'll have Christine send down your roommate while you are here, ok?" I nodded again.

The paper mostly was just stuff like respecting the rules. How hard could that be?

"Uh, Mr. Heere, do you um know how to dispose a phone?" I try asking in the least suspicious say possible.

He shook his head before picking up his phone and calling what I assumed to be the lady at the front desk, Christine?"

"Your going to have to ask your roommate or Christine"

I nodded. I still need to call Alana.

And few seconds ticked by before Christine came in.

"Yes, sir?"

"Can you please send Jared Kleinmen?" He asmed, smile spread across his face.

"I'm sorry in advanced"

Oh boy.

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