"Guys what is fucking going on!" I yelled frustrated.

"We told you it's a surprise Louis jeeze."

"I swear to god, if you don't tell me what's happening I will knee you all in the balls," I threatened.

"No need for that. You're already here!" Niall said happily. "Alright Liam and Zayn, you can go now."

I heard Liam and Zayn laugh then run away.

"Niall what the hell is going on!! I yelled again.

"Calm down, I'm gonna take the blindfold off right now," he huffed.

Niall took the blindfold off. I blinked a few times so my eyes could adjust to the light.

There were twinkling lights on the trees. I recognized the place. It was the park. But why did the boys bring me here?

"Turn around," Niall clapped me on the back.

I turned around and saw soccerballs all over the ground. The thing was though, they weren't messy. They weren't disorganized. It was a completely different thing. The soccer balls were aligned together to make a sentence. One simple sentence that made me confused, and terrified. The soccer balls spelled out


I turned back around to see Niall running away, then hopping up in the air, then running away again. What the hell?

"So what do you say Lou?"

I turned around again to see Harry dressed in a tux coming out behind a tree. I stood there holding my breath.

He walked until he was right in front of me towering over me. He went on one knee and took out a black velevet box, and opened it. Inside was a silver ring.

"Will you marry me," Harry looked up at me and smiled at me hopeful.

I stood there. Just stood there. Looking down at him. I was silent, expressionless, stone still. After a while, his smile fell. He stood up

"Say something please," he took my hand.

I said nothing.

"Respond. Say yes. Anything," he begged.

Again, I said nothing.

He cupped my cheek and rested his forehead against mine.

"Please Louis," he breathed. His breath smelled like mint.

When I didn't say anything, he leaned in and kissed me. I didn't kiss back. He realized this, and kissed me harder. Again, I didn't kiss back. He just kissed me even harder. I still didn't kiss back. He pulled away.

"Come on. Say something Lou," he whispered.

And that was what broke me out of my trance.

I pushed him away. I turned around, and started walking.

"Where are you going?" Harry shouted.

"Away from here!" I yelled.

"Why? Why are you running away from this? Why can't you just answer me?" He yelled back.

"Because I don't want to!" I said angrily.

"I know you want to! You just won't! You know why Louis? Because you're a fucking coward! You won't admit that you still love me!" He screamed.

I turned around and started stomping back to him.

"I'm the coward? I'm the coward? You're calling me the fucking coward?!" I shouted in his face.


"You're the one who betrayed me! You're the one who didn't contact me for 3 goddamn months! You're the one who fucking avoided me! Then you just fucking pop out of nowhere and fucking propose to me? What the hell do you expect me to do? Kiss your feet and say 'yes I'll marry you!' well guess again because that's not gonna fucking happen!" I ranted.

"Not everything is my fucking fault! You didn't contact me either! So don't blame that on me! I worked hard to make this proposal special then you just try to walk away from me!" He cried out.

"You know what I think about this?" I yelled. I ran towards the soccer balls and kicked them. I kicked them all away. "That's what I think about it!"

"I know you still love me," he said quietly.

"Fuck you," I spat. I began walking away again.

"Why are you doing this? Why are you just walking away huh?"

"Because I can't do this. I just can't!"

"I love you! So much! You can't just walk away!"

"Watch me!"

"Do you still even love me?" Harry asked his voice broken. His once shining green eyes turning into hurt.

"I don't know," I said without turning around.

"But I love you! This is when you say you love me more! Please say it!"

"That was in the past! This is now! Get over it! Get over me! I'm nothing special! You'll stop loving me and realize that! So just keep the ring for someone else!" I screamed until I was out of breath then began walking again.

"Where are you even going?"

"Somewhere! Just don't follow me!" I called out.

I started running, but I still heard him crying in his broken voice.

"But I still love you."


So what emotions are you going through at the moment? Sorry I'm updating a bit later than usual I was busy today with homework and writing my speech for this election at school. I'm running for freshman vice president! Hopefully I win! Love you all :)

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