Chapter 14

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“Hey babe.” I heard a voice that sent chills down my back. I smiled and turned around to see none other than Sean standing at my locker. A few of people had to come in on Saturdays to take a class for the SAT’s.

“Hey.” I responded in a small squeak. He smiled at me and leaned in to kiss me quickly, his hand wrapping around my waist and pulling me close to him. When we pulled away, his hand stayed there as I finished putting books into my locker so I could go meet Liam outside.

“You want to head back to my place?” he asked, his breath hitting against my neck.

“Sorry babe,” I smiled when I called him ‘babe’, “I’m going to spend some time with Liam, then maybe the two of us can meet up with you and the three of us can get some dinner or something?” I said and leaned against my locker. Sean clenched his jaw and looked at the ground seeming angry.

“Who’s this Liam guy?” he asked.

“My best friend.” I told him nonchalantly. The words didn’t flow as easily as I expected them to though.

“Are you sure you just don’t want to come back to my house? You can bring your guitar and give me a private concert…” his voice drifted out and he pressed his lips to my neck. I bit my lip feeling uncomfortably trapped between him and my locker. We’ve only been dating for a day.

“Sorry Sean. Liam’s already waiting outside for me. I have to go. I’ll text you when to meet up with us?” I said and shrugged out from him and kissed his cheek. He gave me a glare and I could tell he wasn’t happy. I felt a pit of guilt in my stomach. I made him upset.

“Yeah… fine.” He said and walked away. I sighed and turned to walk out of the school. I was stopped by someone grabbing the hood of my jacket and yanking me back. I stumbled backwards, nearly dropping all of my books. I turned around and saw Marissa standing there, looking like she was about to kill someone.

“Uh… can I help you?!” I asked irritated, rubbing my shoulder from where my jacket had dug into it when Marissa yanked me backwards.

“What were you doing with Sean Mitch?!” She asked in a bitchy tone. I clenched my fists and tried desperately not to punch her in the face.

“Talking about our plans for later.” I replied with an eye roll.

“What plans for later?! Why is he hanging out with you?”  She shrieked.

“Because he is my boyfriend.” I snapped back. Her mouth dropped open and she shoved me backwards.

“I’m warning you right now. Stay away from him!” she barked. I narrowed my eyes at her.

“I’m not afraid of you, Marissa. I can date who I want to date.” I said. She looked like her head was going to explode. I didn’t stick around to see if it would (though, if it did that would have been hilarious).

I marched out to Liam’s car, mumbling under my breath. God I hated her. She was so annoying. I loved how she thought she could tell me what to do. In her dreams.

“Hey girl.” Liam said in a very flamboyant voice. I didn’t stop the smile from appearing on my face. Liam could always make me forget.

“Hey girl.” I responded, giggling. He narrowed his eyes at me.

“Hmph!” he said and turned away from me, pulling out of the parking lot.

“Don’t pull a me!” I laughed referring to the silent treatment I always gave him when he made fun of me.

“Hmph!” he said again. I laughed harder.

“Li, you sound like a teenage girl.” I told him seriously.

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