Another Late Birthday Chapter XD

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A late birthday to the one and only BLUEBERRY!!!

The loneliness of the Anti Void really sucked after a while.

Blue was wandering. How he ended up here, he didn't know. But he knew that he needed to get back.

Dust, meanwhile, had been shoved in this blank space to be 'a distraction’. What did that mean?

The answer accidentally stumbled into his back.

“Hey, wat-” Dust turned around, his eye blazing a bit as Pap sorta screamed at him to kill whoever had run into him.

“SORRY, OTHER NEW ME!!! I, THE MAGNIFICENT SANS, SEEMS TO HAVE RUN INTO YOU!” The somehow smaller version of him had an extremely loud voice, making Dust cringe a little.

He kinda sounds like….

Dust shook his head. “What do you want.” He asked flatly, continuing to ignore Papyrus’ call to murder the little blueberry.

“I WAS JUST TRYING TO FIND A WAY OUT OF HERE! DO YOU THINK YOU COULD HELP ME, OTHER ME?” The small one said, the stars in his eyes bright.

Dust scoffed. He recognized him now. Swap Sans from the Star Sans’. Commonly called Blue.

He’s free EXP, brother! What are you doing, attack! Dust rolled his eyes, shutting Papyrus out. “Yeah, I’ll help you.” As if. “Who put you in here?”

The little one seemed to be thinking hard. “I BELIEVE HE IS CALLED ‘ERROR’ “ Blue said, ecstatic. A new friend!!!

Of course. “What do I get in return for getting you out of here?” Dust smirked.

“A KISS!” Blue wasn’t dumb. He knew who this was.

And he may or may not have a slight crush on him.

Dust was shocked. Of everything the little skeleton could of offered, he offered a kiss?!

A small purple blush flooded his cheeks. “You can't offer that to a stranger!!” Dust said, flustered.

“WHY NOT?” Blue feigned innocence, blinking and tilting his head to the side.

Dust's cheeks flooded even more with color. Papyrus had since stopped talking, seemingly curious about this turn of events.

“B-Because-” Dust was cut off.

It took him a while to register the fact that the smol blueberry in front of him kissed him.

Straight on the mouth.


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