Back Together {Aarmau}

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This fanfic includes an OC.

Aphmau bit her lip, looking around the corner. Seeing it was clear, she signaled to Zane before walking into the sunlight. Her hood covered most of her features, and Zane without his scarf was almost unrecognizable.

At least I've gotten the hang of hiding my ears and tail….. Aphmau thought as they dashed silently into the crowd. They were hidden in plain sight, but-

A Guardian soldier appeared in front of her.

“Eep!” She made a noise, staring into the faceless mask of the soldier.

“Sorry, ma'am, but can you show us your face? He said, going for her hood.

“Hey!!!” She said, backing up.

“Hands off her!” Zane’s voice echoed as he appeared next to her, shoving the soldier back.

A shout got Aphmau’s attention.

“Hey!!! Tin-face!” A shout came from the side, draw the attention to a young girl.

“Miss, please go back back to you parents.” The guardian said with a sigh.

A fist met his face and his helmet went flying.

The next few seconds were a blur.

The soldier was flat on the ground, stunned.

“Run.” The girl, who was even shorter than Aphmau, muttered, grabbing her arm and running, grabbing Zane along the way.

Shouts echoed as the Guardian Forces tried to follow them, but the girl dodged around, still dragging Aphmau and Zane along for the ride

The shouts were fading, but she didn't slow. Not until she reached..

What the…

She was back at the...original hotel they had stayed in.

Aphmau stared as the girl walked up to the door, knocked twice fast, thrice slow.

The door opened slowly to reveal a tired Aaron and a scared Kawaii~Chan.

Aphmau's hands flew up to her mouth, stifling a gasp as Zane stared, bright blue eyes on Kawaii~Chan.

“These the guys?” The girl said to Aaron, voice echoing some sort of accent that was unrecognizable to her.

“....Yes, yes they are.” Aaron couldn't keep the smile off his face. It looked like he hadn’t slept for days on end. He stepped out of the doorway, eyes never leaving his Aph’s.

The girl walked in, Aphmau and Zane following, both a bit unsure.

As soon as they were in the entryway, Aphmau found herself being squeezed to death and lifted off the ground and spin aroind by none other than Aaron.

For the first time in a long time, she let her ears and tail out and laughed.

Meanwhile, Zane and Kawaii~Chan were hugging like there was no tomorrow. Zane lifted his hand to Kawaii~Chans cheek, as if seeing if she was really there. “You are ok, aren't you, Nana?” He whispered, sighing in relief when she nodded her pink-haired head, cat ears bouncing up and down.

The girl just watched, a smile on her face.

After a quick kiss between Aaron and Aphmau, he set her down, not letting go of her though. Aphmau got a good look at the girl for the first time.

She had brown hair, cut very short with a purple edge. Her forest green eyes were darker than Travis’, and she wore one of Aaron’s old hoodies and one of her own shorts she had bought before the trip. She was almost a foot shorter than Aphmau, and could only be 12, not even that.

“Thank you, Kat.” Aaron said, grinning at the girl, Kat.

“Who's that?” Zane asked, him and Kawaii~Chan standing awfully close to each other.

“Hiya, my names Kat.” Kat said, smiling.

She had fangs.

“Are you….a….werewolf?” Aph asked, leaning against Aaron to better see the girl.

“Not….exactly.” She said, suddenly looking quite nervous. “My mom was a werewolf, and my dad was a meif’wa.”

Promptly, meif’wa ears and a werewolf tail appeared.

“Woah..” Aph muttered, brown eyes wide. She had never heard of that before.

“Speaking of your parents, where are they?” Zane asked, skepticism slipping into his voice.

“They abandoned me here a few years back.” Kat said, acting like she didn't even care. But the pain in her green eyes made it known she cared. A lot.

Aph gasped, before breaking free of Aarons grip and hugging the little girl. “Aaron, we need to keep her.”

“Wait, what?” Aaron said, before sighing and shaking his head. “Why am I even surprised anymore.”

Kat’s eyes were wide. When was the last time she had received a hug?

Awkwardly, she inwardly gasped at Aphmau’s statement. She accepted the hug for a few more seconds before pushing her softly away.

“I….should go get some more food for all of us.” She scampered away, ears and tail disappearing as she left.

Aphmau watched the girl leave, eyes shining with tears.

“Aph?” Aaron asked, as Zane and Kawaii~Chan slowly walked away, talking about something.

“Yeah..” She said, watching the door. “She was…..abandoned. How long has she been here, Aaron?”

Aaron sighed, looking away and watching the door to. “She told me it was nearly 4 years ago. She's 13.”

That tipped the scale. Tears flowed down her face, as she stood up and crushed Aaron in a hug. “I'm not kidding, please let us keep her!” She said into his shirt, as if they hadn't been away for a couple of days.

“...I asked her once if she was ever going to try and find a family. She only shook her head and said she didn't trust anyone anymore to take care of her. I hope we can change her mind.” Aaron said, holding Aphmau up and staring at the door.

OneshotsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon