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Mias POV:
'Good luck my gorgeous.' I smiled kissing Trent on the lips, a few seconds before it was time to send him out for his Russia debut.
'Thank you, I wouldn't be able to do it without you, sit on the managers chair please?' He asked me nervously.
'Of course baby, I'm sure my dad won't be sat down once throughout this game.' I laughed.
'And you need to rest, you know?' He smirked.
'Come off it Trent, I'm pregnant not broken.' I laughed.
'You need to keep your voice down guys.' Jordan smirked.
'Good luck to you lot too.' I smiled hugging each of the boys before heading out to the chair, clapping the crowd as I did. And I got clapped back and for once I was appreciated by the fans in the stadium.
'Go on Trent!' I screamed, as my boyfriend made his way down towards the box, which was extremely rare for Trent.
'He needs to take this chance.' I whispered to my dad.
'Have faith.' He smiled. Trent stopped in his tracks, just outside of the Box, aware that he wasn't going to get any closer without losing possession. He drew his foot back and kicked the ball over the defenders heads. It cruised eight passed them, into the back of the net.
'Oh my god.' I cried hugging my dad. He hugged me back as Trent headed towards us.
'I love you so much.' I cried as he hugged me tightly.
'I love you my gorgeous. That was for you two.' He smiled, discretely placing his hand on my stomach. He kissed me once more and headed back onto the pitch before he could be accused of time wasting. And because of him, we won. I ran onto the pitch and Jordan picked me up smiling.
'Yayyy Jordan.' I laughed hugging him.
'It's coming home.' He sang with the fans.



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@MiaSouthgate: SO FKN INCREDIBLY PROUD OF YOU MY GORGEOUSLY HANDSOME BOYFRIEND. I KNEW YOU COULD DO IT! I love you so much my darling, this is what having a little faith in yourself can do💗🙌🏽👼🏼
View all 2.35m comments
@Fan35: the way she supports Trent 💔😭
@HarryKane: WE GOT DIS
@JesseLingard: it was amazing thank you for your support.❤️
~always gonna be supporting my boyz❤️
@KyleWalker: could hear u screamin from the other side of the pitch 😭😻
~uno my love for you is loud💜
@MarcusRashford: for you he said.

'Now you definitely need to go and celebrate this one.' I said to my boyfriend as we arrived back at the hotel.
'Only if you do.' He smiled.
'I can't drink.' I moaned.
'I know, and me and Jordan aren't going to drink either. We're doing this together.' He smiled.
'For the whole of my pregnancy?' I asked him.
'Yeah, and I'm sure when the rest of the boys know the reason your alcohol free they'll take part too. It's good for us, nobody likes a hungover football team.' He laughed.
'I hope so. It's gonna be hard, are you dressing up?' I asked him.
'Why not? Everyone else is.' He smiled kissing me.
We headed down to the bar a few hours later, after Trent had curled my hair, he insisted.
'Hey, Mia I'm ordering, what do you want?' Kyle asked me, putting his arm around my shoulder.
'Lemonade please.' I smiled.
'With vodka orrr?' He asked me.
'I'm going alcohol free for abit, to see if it helps my performance, so just lemonade please.' I smiled.
'Your performance is perfect but ok.' He smiled. Trent winked at me and I smirked in return. Nobody knew the truth yet. It was just our little secret.
'Soo, what's going on in everyone's life right now?'
'Just doing some secret things at the moment, you'll find out soon enough.' I smiled squeezing Trents thigh.
'Oh yeah? Who knows?' Jesse pushed.
'Trent, we're working on it together.' I smiled.
'Too right we are.' He smirked.
'Merch?' Kyle asked.
'You'll see.' I smiled.
Trent pulled me aside a few hours later and wrapped his arm around my waist.
'Tomorrow we tell everyone that we're having a baby together.' He smiled kissing me.
'I'm excited. And then we find out if it's a boy or a girl and then we can decorate the room and buy clothes.' I screeched.
'Our baby's gonna be the most stylish kid out there.' He winked.
'Hmmm, only if I dress them.' I winked.
'Hey, you love my fashion.' He smirked.
'I love your body more.' I winked.
'Hmmmmkkk. No more sex until you've had your baby.' He laughed.
'Dunno how you're gonna cope.' I laughed.
'I'll be just fine, Dunno how you're gonna cope carrying a baby.'
'It hurts. I've hurt. And the labour is pain.' I moaned.
'I'll be with you every step of the way.' He smiled.

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