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Mias POV:
I was just stood in the corridor staring into space when I realised the whistle was blown.

FatherSouthgate: hurry up. The lads made me promise you'd be watching. You made quite an impression on them. They need you now. Probably more than they need me.

Me: fine. But I need to go somewhere at half time

I headed back to my seat and I saw Dele smile when he saw me. I was sat on the bench with Kyle and a few of the other lads including Declan.
'We're gonna do it.' Declan smiled, rubbing my arm, sensing my worry I had for the boys.
'I know.' I smiled.
At half time it was 2-0. Harry was our goal scorer.
'I'll head off now, I don't want to distract them. Tell them not to worry.' I said to my dad, running off just as Trent made his way to the pitch.
I walked to the back door and opened it slightly to see two security guards waiting for me. I was aware that the Russian fans didn't like me that much. And I decided not to be too upset by their reaction, considering I had 149 million followers on Instagram, it was definitely only 1% of the people I met who behaved this way. And that's why I had such a hard time telling everyone the truth.
'Hey guys.' I said smiling. A few of them smiled and waved back. Tough crowd.
'I came out here to tell you the truth today as I didn't want any rumours. The reason I will be quitting my job as a singer is simple.' It was silent.
'I have beautiful fans and I love all of you that support me, but the hate is too much and I shouldn't have to continue living my life upset because of what some people put me through. I have written over three hundred songs for my fans, some of which are coming out in my new album. I intend to publish that next month with a goodbye tour just after. And then I'll be beginning my career again as a footballer. It's always been where my heart is. Thank you.' I said, passing the microphone to security. So many people were shouting in my direction. One question in particular I felt I needed to answer.
Will you come back to Russia?
I took the microphone again and stood back up. When someone threw a glass bottle at my head. It only cut me slightly but I still needed to answer.
'I want to, if you lot want me here I will come but the way some people are behaving are making me want to stay away from this place.' I said, throwing my microphone down and walking back through the doors. They were shut tightly behind me and I was dragged to the boys medical room.
'What happened?' The nurse asked me.
'If I'm honest, I dunno.' I shrugged.

FatherSouthgate: games started again. Get down here now x

Me: yeah soz got abit of a problem dad

FatherSouthgate: Trents subbed off for ten mins. Want me to send him down to wherever you are?

Me: no. Don't want to upset him. Don't show him this message. Send Kyle if he's off permanently, even better Marcus. Love you x

FatherSouthgate: I need an explanation pronto miss. Love you x

The door opened and I saw Marcus. His face was already a frown, probably because he knew I was in the medical room.
'What did Trent say?' I asked.
'Nothing, we didn't say a thing. Gareth just told me that I was needed down in the medical for my old injury. It was a few seconds ago I got the real text.' He said, jaw clenched.
'Don't even ask me who did it cuz I dunno.' I said quickly, he shut his mouth. It was so obvious that was what he was gonna ask.
'We need to stitch it, but we're going to put butterfly stitches on instead so that you don't need needles.' They smiled putting the stickers on my head. I was so grateful for them. We wiped away as much of the blood as we could and made our way back to the pitch. Trent had gone back on and I made sure to cover the stitches with my hair. I didn't want to anger him and most definitely not when he was on the pitch.
I told my dad and I could see him trying to keep his cool around the cameras.
'It'll be fine.' I smiled squeezing his hand.
We sat in silence until the game ended.
It was a comfortable win for the boys. 5-0. We were doing good. I smiled and clapped the lads off the pitch, one by one they hugged me, not one of them seeing my stitches. Trent moved the hair from my face and smiled at me. I moved my arm to his neck and that was when he frowned.
'Who did this to you?' He asked sternly.
'The nurse.' I replied. I was dodging the truth.
'Please don't be like this with me.' He begged.
'I dunno Trent. I went outside to speak to them and someone threw a bottle at me.' I shrugged as we walked back inside. I moved my hair to cover it again. He linked his hands with mine and swung them.
'We will talk about this tomorrow ok? Just go out and have fun.' I smiled.
'And what about you?' He asked.
'Gives me an excuse to get to know the other girls. I'll just be with Jamie's wife and Ashley's. Kieran's too. I'll be fine.' I pleaded. He nodded and looked like he was going to kiss me but he headed back into the changing room. Considering that he'd just won the first stage he looked like he'd lost the war.
And then the messages began to come through.

Kyle: What happened to you?!

Ashley: Mia who hurt you xx
Jesse: you didn't tell me?!

Marcus: I'm sorry. They asked why Trent was so upset n I told them. I love you xx

Jordan: I swear to fuck mia...

Arnold's Smiles/Trent Arnold Where stories live. Discover now