Chapter 28

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Zarah's POV

If I was hurt before, then it was nothing compared to how I was feeling now. I felt completely indifferent. Numb. The perfect word to describe me and my emotions.

They say betrayal only comes from someone you love. Or for me, someone I really care about, someone I thought cared for me too. I can be really ignorant at times.

It was time to let go, I told myself. No matter how painful it would be for me. He had clearly shown me my place and what he thought of me.

Staring at my packed clothes I couldn't believe how my life turned upside down in a few months. The once cheerful Zarah was no where, this was the broken Zarah.

I ignored the continuous knocking coming from the door. It had been going on since I locked the door. I was completely tired of everything now. I give up.

His words were consistently ringing in my ear. Breaking my heart over and over again.

Run away, like the coward you are.

I decided to do exactly what he had said: run away. Isn't that what I was supposedly good at? So I'm gonna show him how it's done.


The tears came rushing down again, they had stopped for a while. I wondered where they came from, I thought my tear ducts will dry up, unfortunately they didn't. Not to mention the fact that my head was hurting like hell.

But nothing compared to how I felt when his words kept echoing in my head. I was slowly losing control of reality. I deeply cared for him.

Stop being weak.

I had to agree, I was weak. Trying to prove that I wasn't but failing was what made me angry, more at myself than him. I knew he was stating the obvious yet it still hurt; when it shouldn't.

The knocking was still going on. I refused to open up but I have nothing to hide anymore. My clothes were packed, sooner or later they'll know I'm leaving. Why not now.

Opening the door, I was engulfed in a warm hug. I immediately knew who it was. "I'm so sorry sweetheart," It was Maryam.

"Thank you. It's not your fault, y'know," I managed to croak out. She gave me a reassuring smile then answered, "I know."

I soon realized she wasn't alone. Aysha, Rukayya and Hauwa were there too. They were giving me sympathetic looks, I hated the look. It made me look weak, the one thing I was running away from.

"Please don't go," Aysha pleaded when she spotted my luggage. That was my undoing; the tears came back with a force that I didn't know I was capable of.

Aysha kept rubbing my back, "Shh. Let it all out. It will hurt less I promise." And that was what I did until my tear ducts dried out completely. Leaving me hollow and empty with a horrible ache in my heart.

But I had to leave, I needed to leave. What Ayyan did was unacceptable and certainly not right. Though he's my husband and all, but that certainly does not give him the right to insult me and my pride.

"Momma wouldn't be happy if you leave. Ayyan too wouldn't like that," I scoffed when I heard his name. Who cares what he thinks? Certainly not me. He can go to hell for all I care. But you do care.

"Please don't leave. Please." Aysha begged, she was full of hope that I would agree. Can I really crush her heart?

"I need to be alone for some time." I couldn't look them in the eye. They were certainly disappointed but nevertheless they knew it was coming.

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