Oikawa easily put him down at the counter and touched Iwaizumi's both cheek with his hand. The two started staring to each other until Iwaizumi gave up and looked away.

"Hey, look at me Iwa-chan."

Iwaizumi didnt listen.

"Pleaseeeee Iwa-chan? Just this once?" Oikawa gave his puppy eyes that he knew Iwaizumi couldnt ignore. He sighed in defeat again and looked back to him.

"Tell me what the fuck you're going to say so that I can grab my things as soon as possible."

Iwaizumi didnt know why Oikawa frowned at that. He was gonna said something again until he felt his lip pressed againsts his. That made Iwaizumi happy at first yet angry afterwards.

"What the fuck are you-"

"It's a prank."


Oikawa pecked his lips again.

"I was just kidding. All of this is a prank. A prank, babe." Oikawa showed his toothy grin.

"Hahaha very funny you're not gonna fool me again Trashykawa."

"No..Im really serious babe. Look at the water heater."

Iwaizumi's snapped his head towards the water heater's direction, beside of that was an oven toaster....and there was something shiny hiding between them...Iwaizumi cant tell what is it from afar but when he squinted his eyes he knew what it was.

What the fuck......was that a camera?!

Oikawa laughed so damned hard at his lovers reaction as he quickly grabbed the camera at the back of them. He showed his face to the camera and to Iwaizumi.

"MY BABE GOT PRANKED OH MY GOD HE'S SO FUCKING CUTE I CANTTTT." Oikawa giggled and smiled to the camera. 

"What the--.."

"Im reallyyyy sorry babeee. My viewer wants me to do an "im not gay anymore prank" so I thought why not give it a shot? Im also curious to your reaction as well and didnt really expected the outcome. Am I a good actor babe? How was my acting skills? Does it seem real??? I want to hear your opinion Iwa-chaaan." Oikawa pouted his lips at Iwaizumi, who was all along mouth wide open in shock.

Iwaizumi slapped Oikawa's face.

"That wasnt fucking funny Tooru." Iwaizumi felt his eyes starting to water again. Shit, Oikawa thought.

Oikawa dragged him to his chest and hugged him so tight. "I'm sorry. It wont happen again I promise. You know I really love you right? There's no way in hell I would leave you for a girl. You're the best and you're the only one for me. I love you Hajime. Please forgive me?" He kissed the smaller boy's head at that while putting down the camera at the table, it was still recording the two of them.

"Really? You still love me?" He heard Iwaizumi mumbled at his chest and he almost cooed at that.

"YUP I REALLY REALLY LOVE YOU AND IM GAY AS FUCK FOR ONLYYY YOUUU. Can I please kiss my cute boyfriend now?" Oikawa smiled at his lover.

Iwaizumi laughed at that and pulled away from his chest. "I love you too." And with that the two of them kissed each other lips with smiles at their faces.

"If you did that again, i'm gonna chop your dick using my kitchen knife." Iwaizumi grinned while Oikawa shivered at the thought.

Oikawa now looked at the camera to bid his farewell while Iwaizumi snuggled at his neck.

"SO...I guess that's all for today everyone. I hope you like my new video. I was embarrased as hell I thought my babe will give me a blowjob infront of my viewers. Will definitely never do this kind of prank again, cos I don't want to see my babe cry again. HAHAHA! Welllllll I'm open up to any suggestions, you can message me if you want! If you want to watch my other videos you can visit my profile! It would be awesome if you'll click like and subscribe! Please leave your reactions as well, me and Iwa-chan will definitely read it. Thanks guys!"

Oikawa gave his known peace sign to the camera and smiled, then he stopped the video.


"I watched your boyfriend's new video at Youtube." Akaashi said as he sipped his frappuccino.

"Uh huh." Iwaizumi only nodded at that while also taking a sip of his black coffee.

He remembered Oikawa told him yesterday that he'll upload the video and wanted his permission. As a good boyfriend he was, he accepted it.

"It was hilarious, really. You're almost gonna give 'em a show and blow him infront of his fans. I was not surprised it got more views than his previous videos. I wonder if Sugawara and Yaku watched it too." Akaashi showed his phone to Iwaizumi and he saw it was already on 669k views. 

Iwaizumi raised his brow at that. Oikawa only posted it last night and he got so many views within 8 hours? That's fucking insane. Well anyways he remembered how popular his boyfriend is, so he just didnt mind it that much. All is well, all is well. He mentally hummed.

While drinking his coffee peacefully Akaashi questioned something out of nowhere.

".....so you guys were into BDSM huh?" Akaashi smirked.

And that made Iwaizumi spilled out the coffee from his mouth.

AN: IMMMMMM ALIVEEEEEE!!! Sorry if I went MIA, tbh I didn't know people would read this crappy book. I started making this book because I was bored af. 😂😂 Was expecting this to have 5-10 readers though but it wenttt moreeee than that 😢💕 You guys dont know how much how happy I am. Thanks guys! 😊😊😙😙❤ Ill do my best to make moreeee! 😀😀

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