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"Hey bro," Kaito clapped his hand on Shuichi's shoulder, "bro you're shaking."

"I-I know. I'm nervous," Shuichi breathed deeply.

"Why?" Kaito prodded.

"I'm gonna ask Kokichi something," he smiled.

"Wait bro does that mean you're gonna-"
"Hey Himiko," Tenko approached Himiko, "Are you ready for our date?" Tenko fidgeted nervously.

"Yeah," she nodded.

"Alright let's go!" They walked outside and around the lake. Tenko's hand drifted and grabbed Himiko's hand. They walked that way, hands interlocked.

"Have I told you I have magic?" Himiko asked.

"No! You do?" Tenko's eyes widened and she looked at her.

"Yeah, here," she performed a card trick.

"That's so cool!" Tenko exclaimed. They continued a conversation. After the date, they returned to their dorm.

"That was fun," Himiko yawned.

"Do you want to do it again?" Tenko asked and Himiko nodded. They hugged and went to their respective beds.
"Hajime," Chiaki said, trying to get his attention. Hajime was zoned out. "Hajime?" She tried again. Eventually she shook him, "Hajime!"

"Huh?" He jumped.

"I'm trying to help you study," she sighed.

"Oh...sorry," he put his focus back on his books. They studied for another 15 minutes and then Chiaki looked at him.

"Were you thinking about Komaeda?" She asked.

".....yeah," Hajime blushed and covered his face with his cloak.

"Then go talk to him," Chiaki said before focusing on her game.

"No, he's...upset at me," Hajime sighed. Chiaki looked up from her game.

"Oh," she looked back at her game.
"Sonia!" Gundham caught up with Sonia.

"Gundham!" She exclaimed and hugged him.

"Why are you so pleased to see me?" He asked, pulling his scarf over his face as he blushed.

"Because I missed you!" She hugged him harder.

"I saw you 3 hours ago?" He said, confused.

"Oh so you didn't miss me?" She asked and Gundham shook his head.

"No, by all the ethereal gods I did," he laughed and hugged Sonia back. "I love you," he whispered, quiet enough where he thought Sonia wouldn't hear him. Sonia backed away a little. Gundham turned away. "I'm sorry," he crossed his arms.

Sonia wrapped her arms around Gundham's neck and kissed him. Gundham kissed back, blushing.

"I love you," she said back.
"Mahiru!" Hiyoko caught up to her.

"Y-yeah H-Hiyoko."

"Why are you stuttering so much? You sound like that pig snouted bitch Mikan." Hiyoko crossed her arms.

"It's nothing," she looked away.

"I like you," Hiyoko followed Mahiru.

"What?" Mahiru asked as Hiyoko popped a gummy into my mouth.

"I have a crush on you," she elaborated.

"R-really," Mahiru turned red.

"Yeah, do you not like me back?" Hiyoko looked uncertain, like she might cry.

"No, I do," Mahiru broke out into a grin as she hugged Hiyoko, lifting her off the ground. Hiyoko giggled and hugged her back.
"Kaede, stop yelling at me please," Shuichi shook a little.

"I can't believe you told him some of it!" She continued to yell.

"He thought I was cheating on him!" Shuichi raised his voice.

"Oh," Kaede quieted down. He sat down.

"I'm just nervous he'll be upset," He placed his head in his hands.

"He loves you, Shuichi. He'll be happy." She tried to quell his fears. Suddenly they saw Miu across the hallway chasing someone down. "Oh no," Kaede got up and chased her girlfriend down. "Babe, don't," Kaede grabbed her hands.

"Hey baby," Miu kissed her and turned to chase down Angie.

Kaito and Kokichi began to argue. Shuichi couldn't pick out what they were saying but he saw that Kaito was getting ready to punch him. Shuichi walked up and kissed Kokichi. Kokichi squeaked in surprise. Kaito rolled his eyes and walked away.

"What was that about?" Shuichi asked, and Kokichi explained something about they fighting about Maki.

"Now what about that surprise?" Kokichi asked, flirtatiously.

"Later tonight, babe." Shuichi hugged him.
"Peko!" Fuyuhiko yelled as she accidentally cut herself. She was bleeding a lot.

"Get Mikan!" She said, directed at Hiro. He ran off to find Mikan. Peko bit her lip so she wouldn't cry.

"It's ok, Peko. I'm here. I'll always be here." He held one of her hands in both of his hands. She smiled as Mikan rushed in.

"What's wrong?" She asked, barely stuttering. She rushed forward and began bandaging Peko. Peko yelped a little as Mikan treated her wound.

"I got cut while practicing with a sword." She mumbled out.

"Well I think you'll be ok. It's not too deep." Mikan nodded as she finished treating her wound.

"Thanks, Mikan," Fuyuhiko and Peko said in unison. Peko shakily stood up.

"I'll take you back to your dorm." Fuyuhiko took Peko's hand and let her use him as a crutch when necessary. They got back to her dorm room where Tenko and Himiko looked up in confusion.

"What happened?" Himiko asked, slowly.

"I got cut while practicing with a sword." Peko got into her bed.

"Just text me know if you need anything," Fuyuhiko kissed her on the forehead.
"Come on, Kokichi." Shuichi led him up to a balcony.

"Is this the surprise you've been talking about?" Kokichi asked and Shuichi nodded. Shuichi inhaled deeply before beginning.

"Kokichi, I love you so much. I love everything about you, your smile, your laugh, your beautiful face. I love your teasing and your character. You are the best thing in my life. I was a wreck before I started dating you in third year,"

Kokichi began to tear up a little, "I want to be with you forever, and I thought now would be a good time to do this since what you said to me the other night. I know we're just kids so," Shuichi pulled out a little checkered box from behind his back. Kokichi gasped, "this is a promise ring." He opened the box. "So, do you promise to marry me once we're adults." Kokichi nodded, crying, and Shuichi put the ring on his finger.

"I love you," Kokichi pulled him into a kiss. The could hear everyone in their class cheering, but neither of them cared. They broke and turned to face everyone in their class. Hina was on Sakura's shoulders. Kaede was cheering louder than anyone, her arm around Miu's shoulder. Gundham kissed Sonia on the head and she leaned into him. Hajime kept glancing at Komaeda who kept glancing at him. They met each other's gaze and looked away.

"They like each other," Kokichi whispered knowingly to Shuichi.

"One of them's gonna make a move tomorrow." Shuichi observed.

"Aw, you're so cute when you're detectiving." Kokichi hugged his boyfriend.

"You're so cute all the time." Shuichi hugged him back, kissing him on the head, igniting more cheers out of the audience.

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