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"Hm?" Gundham stopped, a noise coming from a bush. "Greetings," Gundham leaned down to see a ragdoll kitten mewing at him.

"Hey Gundham," Peko walked up and he held a hand out to her, signaling her to stop. He led the kitten into his hand, fitting into his palm easily. He began petting it gently. "Aww," Peko approached the kitten, careful not to touch it.

"What shall I do with," he checked the cat's underside, gently, "her."

"Let's give her to Ryoma. I think he needs some cheering up." Peko glanced up at Gundham.

"Brilliant idea, I'll get her used to being around humans." Gundham pet her head and walked away.
"Rantaro!" Kokichi caught up to his friend.

"Yeah, Kokichi?" He turn around.

"How are you doing?" He fell into stride with Rantaro. Kokichi's question caused Rantaro pause.

"Good, why do you ask?" Rantaro slowly answered.

"Aren't you going to ask how I'm doing? Do you not care about me?" Kokichi pouted.

"Ok...how are you?" Rantaro's face twisted in confusion.

"I'm great," then he went on his toes to whisper in Rantaro's ear. "I'm running from Maki."

"Oh," Rantaro nodded and whispered back. Kokichi peered out of the corner of his eye and saw Maki. He burst into a run.
Fuyuhiko and Peko were holding hands and walking through the hall, suddenly Peko turned to Fuyuhiko.

"Will you be my boyfriend?" Peko asked, playing with her braid.

"Yes," Fuyuhiko blushed and adjusted his tie. He looked up and lifted himself up, kissing Peko. They broke and resumed holding hands.
"So are you guys a thing now?" Hina asked Taka as they walked around.

"I wish, but no," Taka shook his head, slightly disappointed.

"Then go talk to him!" Hina began to drag Taka by the arm around trying to find Mondo.
"Someone seems happy," Chihiro giggled and looked up at Mondo.

"I am, but also I just-I just want to be more than friends or whatever we are." Mondo sighed.

"Talk to him about it then." Chihiro grabbed his arm and dragged him to find Taka.

"Get off, kiddo, I'll find him." Mondo gently removed his arm from Chihiro's grasp. They soon ran into each other.

"Hey," Mondo grinned.

"We need to talk," Taka couldn't help but grin back.

"Are you sure," Mondo wrapped his arms around Taka's waist, "you just want to talk," he whispered in Taka's ear.

"Yeah, but I'm free tonight."

"Oh really?" Mondo winked.

"But can we actually talk?" Taka asked and Mondo released him.

"Yeah, bro. I mean babe, I mean-" he inhaled, "FUCK."

"What are we?" Taka asked.

"What do you mean?" Mondo tilted his head.

"Are we friends or are we more?" Taka blushed a bit.

"I've been wanting to say this for a long time, but Taka, I want to be more than friends." Mondo, bright red, scratched his arm.

"Alright. So, boyfriends?"

"Boyfriends." Taka kissed Mondo on the forehead.

"And you can call me babe," Taka smirked.

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