When my feet come into contact with the ground a pair of arms is wrapped around me, Harry's arms to be exact. He is crying, against my shoulder sniffling as he breathes in the nearly non existent Vanilla perfume. I would wrap my arms around his neck but with my hands being tied, all I can do is stand here awkwardly with my head buried into the crook of his neck and breathe in the aftershave Harry wears everyday.

Then suddenly before I could take in another breathe of Harry's scent he is pulled away from me and I'm pulled the other way. I nearly fall to my butt but a pair of unfamiliar strong arms wrap around my waist to stop me. I look around as my eyes blur to see Alessandro stood directly behind me with his hands wrapped around my waist waiting for me to try and break away from him.

But to be frank I haven’t got the energy to, I haven’t got the will power to run and run, Harry however is thinking differently. James is standing in front of Harry and they are having a stare off, their foreheads nearly touching as they try to immediate each other, then James whispers something in Harry's ear and Harry nods.

He looks over to me and mumbles something but I couldn’t understand it, the first tear falls down my make up free face and onto my maroon ‘Deathly Hallows’ tee shirt. I look down to the ground and squeeze my eyes shut, wishing and some how hoping that this is all just a nightmare.

But when I open my eyes it is the same place I am before I closed my eyes, like so many times when I have tried this before I have discovered that this isn’t a dream. I sigh deeply and Alessandro’s arms tighten around my waist but not in a rough way like he did when he caught me when I ran out the kitchen. But in a comforting way, it is almost like his he giving me a hug from behind, I feel his head hovering over my shoulder and I can feel his guilt dripping from his dirty hands.

James and Harry are now out of sight but defiantly not out of mind, I try to turn away from Alessandro’s grip a bit so I'm leaning against the front bumper of the BMW. My legs feel so tired; my whole body feels like it is just going to give up.

Alessandro lets me and immediately is at my side, his toned hip digging into my side and hurting me a little, but I don't make a sound or complain because it won’t get me anywhere. My cheek starts to throb again and the pain becomes stronger then the normal little twinge I have been experiencing in the car drive.

I raise my tied hands to my cheek and caress it in my rough and shaky hands, I feel Alessandro’s body tense from the side of me and then a sigh escapes his lips. I have a cut directly on my cheek bone and I know a bruise is visible. It hurts a lot, I don't know why Alessandro hit me or anything but I get the feeling he didn’t have a choice in it and he didn’t want to do it.

“I'm sorry,” Alessandro mumbles from the side of me, it’s the first time I have heard his voice when his dad hasn’t been around. It sounds so soft and gentle, the Spanish accent noticeable too.

“Sorry for what? Kidnapping me? Bribing my boyfriend? Hitting me? Or all of them?” I sneer, not even looking at him but I feel a hole being burnt into the side of my face with him staring at me.

“For all of them, you don't know what it is like to have a dad like I do, that is more than capable of killing someone,” he murmurs again his whole body turning on his side so he is facing me, but I refuse to even look at him.

“Keep them, I don't care.” I mutter looking to the left, the opposite side to where Alessandro is,

“Whatever,” he grunts and turns his body away from me; I roll my eyes and look back over to the corner where I last saw Harry and James.

I silently make a pray that Harry is ok and that he hasn’t been hurt, if he has paid the money I will pay him back, ever last penny, I mean 200 grand? It’s crazy.

I get the feeling I'm being watched, I look around the scenery of an empty car park and notice black cars in the distance parked the whole way around the area. It’s like in the films, when the police stalk the area and then all of a sudden make an out burst and take the villains away.

The closer I look into the distance at the cars I can make out people, walkie talkies in their hands communicating with others, I look around to the other car I have seen and they also have walkie talkies in their hands. The police maybe? Or maybe just 45 year old females and males being immature? Inwardly I hope it’s the first option.

My attention is drawn back to the corner where I last saw Harry, and now he is walking back around the corner over toward me, he has a slight smile on his face and looks as if he is about to cry. When we lock eye contact he starts to run towards me, his arms slowly out folding so he will embrace me into a hug when his body comes close enough to mine.

But before Harry could even do that my body is being shoved into the car I'm leaning up against and then the car door slamming shut. Then the driver’s door opens and Alessandros figure sits into the seat, both of the locks on the back seat are locked and for some reason I can't move to reach over and unlock the right hand side door.

The car zooms off out of the car park and onto the main road, my body is in shock, I can't feel anything and nothing will comprehend into my brain. All I know is that I won’t be feeling Harry's arms around my body.

I look into the rear mirror at Alessandro, his teeth are gritted and his jaw clenched, his lips pursed and his eyes so dilated that they look black. His face is blank, completely blank showing no emotion at all and it slightly scares me.

Once the car in front of our car pulls left Alessandro’s foot hits the gas and the car increases speed by 50mph. I look behind me after so much will power and fight the tears when I see Harry's figure in the background growing smaller and smaller as the car gets further away.

I don't know what is happening and I don't know when I will see Harry again, and I don't know what will happen to me. But one think I know for sure, is that this is all my parents fault.

Two Can Play At This Game (A Harry Styles Love Story)(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now