Chapter 21: Close Encounters

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Aiden entered his room at midnight to see Emily laying on his bed, holding one of his business cards. Her, or his, t-shirt was on the ground. Her ornate ivory push-up bra cupped her breasts, the plaid boxers peeking out from under the covers. His eyes drifted from her exposed bellybutton to the tops of her breasts, then travelled to her sensual gaze.

"Can I cash this in?" she asked, referring to the business card.

"Put a shirt on," he frowned, completely ignoring her sexual innuendo.

"It's warm in here. I don't want to sleep in that baggy shirt," she fake pouted. 

"You're staying in my room tonight?"


He groaned in annoyance.

"Why can't you sleep with your boyfriend ?"

She paused, thinking of a good lie.

"We're... having a fight. I didn't want to stay there."

"And you can't go home because..."

"My mom thinks I'm at a sleepover. And Axel already invited me to stay here, well, before we fought."

He rubbed his hand over his face, contemplating.

"Fine, you can sleep here. It's not like a girl was coming over tonight," he said sarcastically.

"Good," she smiled.

He looked at her strangely.

"I guess I'll just let her know that my body will have to wait."

She bit her lip.

"I... can satisfy your body."

Her words triggered something in him, but he denied it.

"No, I think you've had enough fun today," he said, walking into the closet.

She sighed. How come it's so difficult to seduce him?  She thought that he accepted invitations from girls all the time. What made her so different?  She knew one thing for sure, she needed a different strategy. 

Tempting him with her body didn't seem to be enough. Neither did the alluring invitations. She was practically begging him to have his way with her. Not that she would ever let it get that far.

Aiden walked back into the room, shirtless and only wearing boxers, much like her. He avoided glancing in her direction, at her supple frame. Making his way to the bed, he pulled the covers open and climbed onto the other side of the mattress. His body sunk into the soft, cushiony material. His dip in the bed caused her to roll a little closer to him. He turned around, facing away from her.

Her heart thumped in her chest, breasts rising and falling with each breath she took. Shifting to face him, she pulled herself forward, pressing her front against his back.

She heard the sharp intake of his breath. Her bra was the only fabric keeping her raw breasts from colliding with his bare, broad back. She rested her fingers on his side, holding herself in place. She felt the muscled indentations and shivered, suddenly sensing the urge to touch more.

Finding her voice among the heavy breaths, she whispered.

"Why won't you do anything to me?"

He sighed.

"You're not like the other girls."

"But what if I want to be. You could train me," she urged.

His deep tone thickened in his next words.

Innocent Emily KimOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora