Chapter 3

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Rye's P.O.V

Mikey and I got onto our private jet....England here we come. I was feeling a lot of complex emotions; very nervous, scared. Excited? hmm..maybe very slightly but many other thoughts and emotions were piling up that the 0.01% of excitement that was left in me.

I was scared, what if he's really horrible? What if he hates me? What if he will never love me? A lot of negative thoughts were swirling in my brain. Mikey must've noticed as he grabbed my hand and squeezed it slightly for comfort.

"Look Rye you're scared I know but I'll be by your side at any time, you can always count on me" he said trying to comfort me and it did work. Mikey was the only person I could trust and I always will trust. When he says he'll be there for me he really means it and I'm glad I have him.

Not long after that I fell asleep on Mikey's shoulder and with his hand wrapped around me. I hope that my future husband won't mind me and Mikey being so close. Hours passed by and Mikey woke me up to say that we were almost there and I need to get up.

All of the feelings and voices got back and I was scared again. Scared that I won't fit in or that they won't like me. So many thoughts were running through my head that I didn't figure out we landed and needed to get out of the jet.

"C'mon Rye everything's gonna be alright" Mikey said getting up and expecting me to do the same. "I don't know that Mike what if he doesn't like me, hell what if I don't like him, what if he hurts me you yourself know what happened last time I was hurt" I said looking him in the eyes. "I won't let that happen again and I sure as fuck won't let him hurt you" he said pulling me up and pushing me out. And me being me I almost tripped.

"Can you at least show me what he looks like?" I asked with puppy eyes I know he can't resist. "You're not supposed to see each other before the wedding, but I guess no one has to know I showed you" he said pulling out his phone and showing me a picture.

I have to say that he is hot but at the same time he looks like trouble

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I have to say that he is hot but at the same time he looks like trouble. And what does trouble mean? Me getting hurt, as always. "He is gorgeous" I accidentally said it out loud. "Ok I didn't need to know that but I hope he's just as sweet as gorgeous he is" Mikey said trying to take my thoughts if him being trouble away. He knows me way too well and im glad cause of it.

"Let's go Rye the driver is waiting on us" Mikey said pulling me and my luggage with him. He's one strong man I thought laughing to myself. As you can tell I like to laugh at my own stupidity and jokes. I know im a weirdo. But I like it this way. I can find my happiness in my stupidity which Mikey finds really funny and weird at the same time. But let's be real who isn't weird.

"You're Rye Beaumont?" Some guy in a suit asked me. "Yes I am" I answered confused. "Come with me the limo is this way" he said leading the way. I looked at Mikey confused and scared as always. We got to the limo and got inside so we can go to the castle. I decided that it would be good if I talked to Mikey in Croatian so the driver can't understand us.

"Mikey možemo li nekako otići odavdje mene je strah i imam osječaj da ovo nece dobro proći"

("Mikey can we somehow leave here im scared and have a feeling this won't end well")

I said looking at him fright visible in my eyes. "Ne Rye ne možemo i ti to dobro znaš, ovo je bilo djelo tvoje mame, a znaš da ti je i ovako skoro uništila život"

("No Rye we can't and you know that damn good, we're here cause of your mom, and you know she almost destroyed your life either way")

Mikey said reminding me of what happened a year ago. "Fine" I said and let it go.

( sorry if this is confusing, but we wanted to make this book that way since Rye is the prince of Croatia, but if you don't like it just say we'll try our best to make it less confusing )

We were at the castle and I couldn't be more nervous. This is killing me and Mikey knows im not good with this kind of shit. So he was right there beside me. Thank fucking god. "This way sir" the driver said. "Please call me Rye uhh.." I said not knowing his name. "Aidan" he said still leading the way. "Rye" he said kind of hesitantly "im gonna be your driver and leader through this castle and city of London" he said stopping and turning around. "Is that good?" He asked and I smiled. "Of course it is Aiden, you seem like a really nice guy" I said and he smiled and continued leading our way to the queen and king.

"Darling how are you?" Queen asked getting up and hugging me. "Im good i guess" i said hugging her back. "Nice to meet you Ryan" the king said shaking my hand. "Nice to meet you too sir" i said smiling a little. 

"And nice to meet you too Mikey."The Queen said giving Mikey a hug. The king nodded at Mikey before shaking his hand.

"How was the journey here? Hope everything went well." The king said sending a small smile towards me. 

"Yes it was lovely, thank you." I replied. The kind and queen led us to the sitting room and we all just sat and spoke for a while. Unfortunately i hadn't met Andy yet...i'm nervous and scared as i can't meet him before the wedding and i would rather get to know him before having to marry him but unfortunately we don't always get what we want so i'll just have to wait till the wedding to see him.

What if he's trouble? What if he hurts you? What if he never loves you?

That was all that was going through my head, luckily the king and queen sent someone to show us to where me and Mikey would be staying till the wedding whilst they went to talk to Andy.

As we were walking to our room i was getting quite tensed...all i could think about was if Andy would even like me...what if he has someone else...what if he hurts me..? Mikey must've noticed as he grabbed my hand and squeezed it lightly.

"Sve će biti u redu, ne brini." He whispered in Croatian so no one would understand.

("Everything will be fine, do not worry.")

"Pokušavam ne brinuti, ali ne mogu pomoći" I replied.

("I'm trying not to worry but I can not help it")

"Razgovarat ćemo kad stignemo u našu sobu." Mikey said and i nodded.

("We'll talk when we get to our room.")

Eventually we reached our room and our stuff was already here. I sat on the end of the bed and looked up at Mikey. He just came towards me and engulfed me in a hug. I'm glad he has always been there for me.

"Hey, Rye listen to me. Please stop over thinking and worrying about whats going to happen when you meet Andy and whether he'll like you or not. Please just stop worrying about it, look i won't ever leave your side, i'll always be here for you till the day i die. I love you ok? just remember you're like a brother to me, i'd never leave you. Andy will be stupid not to love you, i'm sure he will though. It might take some time as you both are being forced into this marriage without even knowing each other, he may be angry about this and i know you are slightly too but just trust me everything will be alright. Please stop thinking about it Rye, it stresses you out and i don't like seeing you stressing over things." Mikey said as he tightened his grip on me.

"I'll try my best Mikey. I love you too bro." I whispered.

"Right, its getting late. We should try sleep and see what tomorrow brings us." He said and i nodded. I got changed before laying in bed, as soon as my head hit the pillow sleep took over me.

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