Don't Play Innocent

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Jin POV: I can't believe I had to run all the way home from the hospital, I mean I did walk from home but I could've asked Namjoon to drive me. But I know he wouldn't do it willingly. I was at the doorstep out of breath and I heard moaning sounds coming from it. They were deep moans. If I can recognize them they sound like Namjoon's and Yoongi?? As I opened the door I saw Yoongi riding Namjoon. I groaned and said"Come on guys!! Right in the open?!" I slammed the door and they jumped. I sighed and said"If you guys wanted to do it you could've done it in either of your rooms. Just not out here in the living room! We watch TV in here guys!" They looked nervous and they scratched their heads. Yoongi said"Sorry Jin. We didn't know you were gonna come home so quick. How was the visit of Jungkook at the Asylum?" Now I was nervous and I gave out a nervous smile. I said"Uh....pssh!! The visit was nice! Haha!" Namjoon squinted at me and said"Don't play innocent." My eyes widen open at his deep voice. Yoongi said"You have a bite mark on your neck and it's full on red. You guys had sex didn't you? You know there are cameras at the hospital right? So they just got a good full action of you two fucking. Jungkook could get in trouble for that." I gulped at what Yoongi said to me. I said"No. It's my fault. I should get in trouble for it. I wanted to have sex in the first place. I fell in love with a psychopath killer." Their eyes widen open and they looked at each other and looked at me. They both got up to put their clothes on and Namjoon said"Wait..I thought you loved Jungkook and Jimin? How can you fall in love with Jungkook who is a psychopath for trying to kill us and other people?? That ain't gonna work out Jin." I sighed and rubbed my eyes and said"I know but for some reason Jungkook excites me more with his doings. It's like a sex kink to me. But a creepy kind." Yoongi walked up to me and put his hand on my shoulder. He said"Jin. As much as we love you, I'm gonna be truthful with you. I don't think he's right for you. Jimin seems more right for you than he does. Jungkook is a psychopath and Jimin is a sweetie pie. Which one do you prefer? If you choose either one of them, then we will leave with who you chose. Do you want to be with a Bad Boy or a Good Boy? Which one?" Jimin or Jungkook. Before I made my decision I thought about the good times me and Jungkook had together. We would bully each other but we still had love for each other, on the other hand I could say honestly there is not much Jinmin moments we had. Jinmin isn't much of a high rate ship. So I made my decision. I said"I choose..Jungkook. We had some good times with each other before all of this started happening. So I'm sorry but I choose Jungkook. And you said you'll leave me with who I chose right? So I choose him." Yoongi sighed and then he looked back at me. Next thing I know he slapped me real hard with the back of his hand. He said"Your a fool Jin. But if that's who you choose then we can't do anything about your love life." I touched my cheek and it burns. I went into my room and closed the door, my phone started buzzing and I took it out. It was Hoseok. I answered it:

Jin: Hello

Hoseok: Hey Jin. Remember in the chat I said call 911 or the mental hospital?

Jin: Yes. Why?

Hoseok: Well it was both. Someone called the police and they called the Asylum Hospital for Jungkook. I sent the pictures he had of you over to the hospital. They are planning on keeping him in there for about....6 months.

Jin: The fuck?! 6 months???? Hell no! They cannot do that! We need Jungkook. Fans are gonna start questioning us and we wouldn't know how to fully explain it. And we don't know if we even want to explain it.

Hoseok: Yeah that's the same thing I was thinking about earlier today when I got the call. We need to break him out. I don't know how. But it ain't gonna be easy.

Jin: And it's not gonna be clean either. Us Bangtan Boys are gonna get yelled at and shit about doing this. But we need Jungkook.

Hoseok: Yeah! We're not gonna call in some fucker to fill in for Jungkook while he's getting cleaned. Bullshit to that! So what are you gonna tell the others?

Jin: The same thing I told you. And by the way. Where are you?? I forgot to ask you that after you called.

Hoseok: Ah..I am at the Café. Aka the scene where Jungkook committed a first degree murder and injuries to the customers.

Jin: What? Why are you there?

Hoseok: I saw Jungkook planning on killing people. But he was too fast for me to stop him. Okay so..look I'll tell you what happened:

Hoseok POV: I was in the kitchen making myself a sandwich, I heard footsteps and apparently it was Jungkook's footsteps. I pretended I didn't see him because he wasn't doing to well, he thought I didn't see him but I did. From the corner of my eye I saw him pick up the kitchen knife quickly and walked away fast. I said"Hey. Where are you going Jungkook?" He looked scared like he's been caught but of course I caught him. He said"Um..just going to the Café to order something and you know..all that biz.." Sure. Your lying under your breath Kookie. He walked away so fast I decided to catch up with him, but I couldn't because he was too fast and I couldn't catch up. I followed behind him and I stopped by an alley and saw him walk in the Café. I heard a women scream. Actually I heard a lot of people screaming, then I heard sirens from down the street. I saw Jungkook running out the Café with some blood on his hand. He ran past me but didn't see me. He's so fast. But not too quick to dodge a bullet. Gunshots where being fired and one hit him in the shoulder, I saw him stop in his tracks and he fell out. Tears ran down my face. I slid down the wall of the alley as I saw my friend get shot in the shoulder. I heard another sound. It was an ambulance but it was more than one coming to get the injured ones and probably the dead women. I saw Jungkook get taken away by the ambulance, I wanted to scream out his name and take him away from there. But I didn't wanna risk getting in trouble. I wiped my tears away and used the alley as an shortcut home.

Jin: Oh my gosh! Is that what happened?!

Hoseok: I'm afraid so Jin. And so after you left to see Jungkook I walked out right behind you but took a different direction. I was at the scene where the news reporter and the police were at, they saw me and they all ran up to me and started asking me questions. I answered them calmly. That's why on your phone you saw me on the news. I shed a tear as I answering the questions.

Jin: You tried so hard to calmly answer them but the thought of Jungkook getting shot hurt you didn't it?

Hoseok: Yes. And it still does. Even when I saw it with my own eyes it still hurts me. But I don't like talking about this. I gotta go. A police just asked me another question. Talk soon Jin.

Jin: Okay Hobi. Bye.

Hoseok: Bye.

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