Jungkook is finally happy (ENDING :D)

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6 months later...

Jin POV: 6 months has finally passed and Jungkook is getting out of the hospital, I can't wait to see his face again. Me and Jimin and Jungkook finally became boyfriend's. Now they don't have to fight over me. We waited for Jungkook outside the entrance of the hospital. He came out and he looked happy. He finally smiled bright again. He hasn't smiled this bright before. I walked up to him and hugged him. So did Jimin too. Actually everyone hugged Jungkook. We broke up the group hug and laughed. I looked behind Jungkook and there was a lady standing there, I looked at her and said"Who are you?" She ignored me and smiled at Jungkook. She said"Kid. At first we didn't like each other. But now since you've been here you've made people happy and you made a lot of great progress. I'm surprised. Let's be friends kid. Oh and sorry for being offensive about gays. It's just that my dad always hated gays. Which made me hate them too. I was following my dad until I realized I shouldn't do that. Also thanks for helping me buy an amazing house! And also helping get new clothing and such. You really made my day. See ya later kid." He smiled again and said"Your welcome Alice. We'll see each other soon okay?" She nodded and smiled. We all walked away and went home to celebrate Jungkook's discharge. When we got home I felt hands intertwined with both of mine. I looked to see it was Jungkook and Jimin. I smiled at them and said"I love you guys." Jungkook kissed me and Jimin licked my neck. We were about to go all over each other until Yoongi said"Woah guys. Calm down there. Do that when we're not around. Not here." We stopped what we were doing and smiled. Jungkook said"Well I haven't felt a pair of lips on me since 6 months ago. So you can't really say anything about this. I haven't felt these two's lips in a while." Jin growled and said"Really Yoongi?? I told you and Namjoon not to fuck in the living! So keep your mouth shut!" Yoongi laughed and Jimin laughed. Jimin said"I love you two so much. I'm so glad I became your boyfriend. You make me real happy. And I'm also glad Jungkook is finally cured and finally happy. I can't stop smiling." Jimin kissed me but this time real softly. Jimin moaned a bit but Jungkook put his hand in between the kiss and said"You can't do anything naughty without me. I'm the main boyfriend here." We smirked and then went back to the way we were kissing, Jungkook kissing me and Jimin licking my neck. The other members laughed and left us alone in the living room. We all sat down on the couch and just relaxed, Jimin said"Hey Jungkook. Are you finally happy? Do you feel free?? How do you feel???" Jungkook laughed and said"Oh ChimChim. Yes I'm finally happy, and yes I feel free, and I feel okay. Stop asking questions. I'm okay Jimin." Jimin laughed and sighed. I said"You know it finally feels good to have our Jungkook back again. And I'm glad you finally found out why you wanted to hurt everyone. Your dad was an awful man. But I'm glad he's not here to do the same thing again." Jungkook scoffed a bit and said"That fucker is still alive you know. My next door neighbor Ms. Flower says he looks young but he's old as hell. He's like what? 64 or 66 right now. Hell I don't even know how old he is. He looks good, he's healthy, he's *clean* she says. And he's non-alcoholic and shit. I don't believe that mess. But if that's what she says then I'll go by her words. She's a sweet old lady anyways." Well that sucks. I was gonna ask him if he wanted to see his dad, but I didn't ask him if he wanted to see his brother. What's his brothers name again? Oh right! Jung-hyun! His older brother. People they look like twins. I have to agree. They do look the same. I tapped Jimin's shoulder. He was asleep. I woke him up and whispered in his ear and said"hey jimin. let's invite jungkook's brother over. his name is jung-hyun. i wanna surprise because it feels like i can tell he hasn't seen his brother after what happened. what do you say? you wanna help?" He smiled sleepily and said quietly"sure..would love to." I smiled so big. Jungkook would love to be happy to see him again. I said to Jungkook"Hey Jungkook. Me and Jimin are gonna go out to buy something. Can you wait here until we come back?" He smiled and nodded. I didn't have a plan to think this through! I just randomly said that! Okay okay first let me think this through.
                                    *Jin's Plan*

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2019 ⏰

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